public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bacon with tags code & webdev

June 2008

Designers Toolbox

by 14 others
Designers Toolbox: Graphic Design Tools : Lorem Ipsum Text Generator : Create An Online Portfolio

May 2008

.htaccess tricks and tips.. part two: url rewriting with mod rewrite.

by 9 others
Here's the very basics of regexp (roughly from the apache mod_rewrite documentation)..

February 2008

January 2008

PHP Mysql tips

Continuing from my earlier post on PHP performance, I thought I’d share a few Mysql tips that I’ve learnt over the years. Hope it helps someone and please leave a comment with your own tips or provide any corrections to the ones mentioned.

by 16 others
Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it w

December 2007

Redeclare native PHP functions

Sad but true: PHP does not support function overloading, nor is it possible to undefine or redefine previously-declared functions. So lets hackit: "How to Redeclare native PHP functions" - MySQLForge :: View Snippet

November 2007