public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from arkandis with tags online & web2

November 2007

July 2007

June 2007

May 2007

April 2007

March 2007


by 10 others
Un service qui permet de se mettre d'accord sur un RDV.

February 2007

Rota Board: account - login

by 7 others
L'utilisation de Rota Board est relativement facile et paramétrable à souhait. Sur l'image ci-dessus, ma première inquiétude était de croire que l'on ne pouvait assigner qu'une seul tache par personne et par jour. Mais non, on peut en gérer un em


page d'accueil qui regroupe tous les sites que l'on utilise fréquemment - brainstorming made simple

by 13 others
Need a visual way to brainstorm your ideas? Try, a simple yet powerful mind mapping application. The concept is pretty basic: you write your thoughts in bubbles, which you can then connect to other bubbles, eventually creating as complex (or n

Jott -- Don't Forget -- Login

Want to send yourself a note? A reminder? An idea? Just pick up your cell phone and dial Jott. The service not only forwards recorded messages to you via e-mail, it also transcribes them into text. That gives Jott an edge over BrainCast, a similar serv

January 2007

Hey!Watch - Just encode

by 6 others
Codage et transcodage de vidéos