public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from antoniomokarzel with tag web2.0

December 2006

Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2

by 5 others
In Rolling with Ruby on Rails, I barely scratched the surface of what you can do with Ruby on Rails.

Rolling with Ruby on Rails

by 14 others
Maybe you've heard about Ruby on Rails, the super productive new way to develop web applications, and you'd like to give it a try, but you don't know anything about Ruby or Rails.


by 107 others
Digg is all about user powered content. Every article on digg is submitted and voted on by the digg community.

10 Minute Mail

by 9 others
By clicking on the link below, you will be given a temporary e-mail address. Any e-mails sent to that address will show up automatically on the web page. You can read them, click on links, and even reply to them. The e-mail address will expire after 10 mi

November 2006

by 2 others
Professional Online Web Form & Survey Builder


by 86 others, 4 comments
Kuler is brand new from Adobe Labs. It helps you explore, create and share color themes for your web pages, design projects and other creative work.

Flock — the social web browser

by 6 others
Flock is an amazing new web browser that makes it easier to share media and connect to other people online.

October 2006

Business 2.0

by 6 others
Technology news and opportunities

September 2006

by 4 others
Documenting the Ruby Language

WeBlog 2.0

Blog sobre as novidades da Web 2.0 e tecnologia ‘internética’

August 2006


by 85 others
Quick way to get resources

July 2006

June 2006

CSS Beauty

by 28 others
CSS Design Showcase | News, Jobs, Community, Web Standards


by 26 others
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