public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag online

March 2007

Tri City Washington Real Estate Online Portal

Richland Real Estate is an online real estate portal established with the aim of organizing the Washington real estate services and providing them at a single platform. Transparency in the services is our priority. We are dedicated to a plethora of real estate services including purchase, sale, rent and real estate market assistance and advisory

Keep aware of buying medication online

NEWS on the death of a 33-year-old housewife who succumbed to kidney commplications allegedly caused by a slimming pill regime some weeks ago is an indication of a disturbing trend in the purchase of medical and medicinal products among Internet user. Rather than getting advice from the respective experts and authorities in the field, many are buying drugs and medication through offline and online channels based on decisions made either on information made available in advertisements, cheaper pricing or the sheer lure of being able to beat the system and getting their hands on controlled drugs.

February 2007

Almost 30 percent of Internet users tag online

Tagging, the emblematic activity of the “Web 2.0″ and social computing era, appears destined for mainstream status, a new study concludes. Among U.S. Internet users, 28 percent have tagged online content like blog entries, photos, Web sites, video clips, and news articles, The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports in a study released Wednesday. On any particular day, 7 percent of users engage in this activity to categorize and label material they upload or find on the Web. Justen Deal, a manager in Los Angeles who tags news articles on sites like Slashdot, believes that as the use of tagging increases, it will give blogging and the Web in general a significant boost by making content easier to organize and discover.

January 2007

Menj Internet Launches for Online Directory Publishers

Announcing Emporium Directory, we just have a PR3 for our directory after the recent Google update of our directory. has aim to connect webmaster and user of the internet communities under one roof and provides them opportunity to add and visit links and reprocessed items in a highly competitive & easier environment. helps you to find new website traffic, it is low cost advertisement to your industry, it helps you to lower your inventory level & more. The blog feature is another way to prove that is not just another link directory among thousands of others, but serious, trusted, and useful web resource for webmasters and website owners that offer help in making their websites popular and profitable," resumes Menj.

December 2006

Free Online Classified Ads Available at

Homes for sale by owner, finding the perfect home, or selling your home stuff no longer has to cost you a dime!, a new online community in the style of, offers users free online classified ads. “ brings to classifieds the notion that the Internet should be free and accessible to everyone,” said Unitex Corp, Executive Director of “Our services offer the best, most affordable solution anywhere for helping people find and list items for sale in their local communities.”

November 2006

:: future :: :: As online degree offerings grow, caution is advised :: November :: 2006

Officials fight stigma of ‘diploma mills’ and try to make experience similar to classroom. FORT WAYNE, Ind. — Earning a college degree online can be a good option for many students, but some “diploma mills” have hurt the integrity of such programs. Indiana colleges and universities are working to erase the correspondence-course image of online programs, which they hope can help increase enrollment while giving nontraditional students a chance at a degree.

October 2006

Download and Save Camtasia Produced Online Flash Videos to Your Computer

The World Wide Web has gone through so many changes throughout the years. The way it is used and what it is used for continues to evolve. Some things were just fads that were fun for awhile but then people got bored of them. Other things were just bad ideas and we were glad to see them go. However, some things have become very integrated into the way we use the Internet in our daily lives. One example of this is social bookmarking. Some of the biggest, high traffic sites are social bookmarking sites that allow people to vote for the stories, news, and videos that others should see.

September 2006

Tech 2 Blog :: Cut Your Tech Bills :: September :: 2006

You like chatting online and you spend too much time on YouTube. You're addicted to your cellphone. And what's a Sunday night without HBO? But even if you're tied to your Internet, phone and TV services, you can still find ways to pay less for them. As cable, satellite, telecommunications and wireless carriers duel over your business, some great deals are out there. Companies throw discounts and perks to win your business from competitors, and your existing providers might even fight harder to keep you. Use this tip sheet to help you trim your technology bills.

August 2006

tBlog - Drive a better car deal online

MOTORISTS will be racing to the forecourts next month when the new 56 registration plate is launched. But drivers could save themselves thousands of pounds by shopping online. According to the Society of Motor Manufacturers, about 420,000 drivers will get behind the wheel of a new car on September 1.

tBlog - Mario won the Golden Joystick awards 2006

Handheld games console title Mario Kart DS leads the nominations for the Golden Joystick awards 2006.The Nintendo DS game has six nominations, including game of the year, while role playing game Oblivion is short listed in five categories.Quiz game Buzz and Xbox Live's marketplace, where gamers can download demos, lead the innovation category

July 2006

More than 95% of e-mail is ‘junk’

More than 95% of e-mail is junk, be it spam, error messages or viruses, report mail monitoring firms. Analysis of the contents of millions of e-mails has revealed that less than 4% is legitimate traffic. Further work has shown that most of this junk mail is originating on hijacked home computers. E-mail security firm Return Path said 99% of the com

College textbooks are no bargain, so try these tips

Buying used, online and from afar are possibilities. Thomas Jefferson said that “books constitute capital.” Well, the thousands of students who will soon head off to college campuses across the country know all too well that it takes quite a bit of capital these days to buy textbooks.