public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from YukuanMark with tag psychology

August 2006

Only Using Part of Your Brain? Think Again

When ferrets watch the mind-bending movie The Matrix, brain activity is only slightly higher than when they stare at nothing. Scientists say this might mean something about how much of your brain is in use.


我總會有時候什麼事都做不了。 我當然還是會去上班,不過卻是到處閒逛,每10秒就收一次信,逛逛網站,甚至做些付信用卡帳單之類不用動腦的事。什麼都做就是沒法子進入狀況回來寫程式。

July 2006


今天在網路上看到經濟學的「路徑依賴」理論,讀後有似曾相識之感,於是萌發了今天的組稿。經濟學上的路徑依賴理論,物理學中的慣性理論,還有心理學的強化學習理論,他們原屬不同的學科,卻有著極其相似之處。這些共同之處,也許正說明了世界源於同一簡單的運行規律。由於慣性理論已人所共知,Psytopic 蒐集了強化學習理論實驗和路徑依賴的故事,籍此說明兩者的共通之處。

June 2006



April 2006

Conscious And Unconscious Memory Linked In Storing New Information

The way the brain stores new, conscious information such as a first kiss or a childhood home is strongly linked to the way the human brain stores unconscious information, researchers at Yale report this month in an article featured on the cover of Neuron.

March 2006

Brains of smart kids develop later - Children's Health -

Very smart children may seem advanced in many ways, but a new study shows they actually lag behind other kids in development of the “thinking” part of the brain.

YukuanMark's TAGS related to tag psychology

brain +   bussiness +   children +   essay +   joel +   memory +   name +   neuroscience +   price +   programming +   science +   stock +