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PUBLIC MARKS from Yann_L with tag svg

May 2009

An SVG Primer

by 2 others
This is neither an introductory text book, nor a reference manual. Instead, it is aimed so that any of these people : * an upper division undergraduate student with a few semesters under her belt of computing coursework; * a professional web programmer; * a graphic designer with a strong technical bent; or * a science teacher who wants to build graphical presentations might be able to pick it up and then do any or all of the following: * work through it over the course of a few days, developing a basic understanding; * be able, in a week or two, to make a decent graphical front-end to a web site that demands innovative and interactive graphics; * at any time during the next year or two of work with SVG, be able to pick up the book, look up a new topic, and with little effort, find an illustration of what they'd like to know about and with a minimum of reading, to be able to make sense of the examples provided.

January 2008


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