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PUBLIC MARKS from Takwann with tag "Seitei Iai"


L'histoire du Seitei Iai

Par conséquent, les officiels de la fédération recherchèrent les moyens de remédier à cette situtation indésirable (1966). Pour que les pratiquants de kendô puissent être mieux à même de comprendre la véritable essence de la "voie du sabre", on nomma onze experts hauts gradé en escrime, sous la direction d'Ôtani Kazuo, afin qu'ils constituent un comité (1967) qui ferait l'indispensable étude préliminaire, pour que soient désignées les techniques spécifiques de dégainement du sabre pouvant convenir à tous les pratiquants de kendô moderne.

Iaido Kakari Keiko Exercises | Idaho Kendo Club | Boise Idaho | Japanese Kendo and Iaido

You can download the PDF of iaido kakari keiko exercises that Yamasaki sensei teaches. These are useful for building up your basic iaido skills and body condition to support the performance of iaido kata.

Iaido shinsain no me – The eyes of the Iaido judges

book called “Iaido shinsahin no me”. This book edited by the “Kendo Jidai” publisher is a compilation of 15x ZNKR 8th Dan Hanshi sensei’s opinions on what are the important points needed for shinsa, embu and taikai. It is of course written in Japanese and will probably not be translated, so we decided to start a very rough translation of some parts. The book is separated into fifteen parts, one for each sensei and each part separated into a 2 points and three chapters …


ZNKR reiho - Kampai Budokai

ZNKR reiho as practiced at Sakura Ternat

Ichi Gan, Ni Soku, San Tan, Shi Riki (#2) - ADAKI - Kendo

« Le pied qui menace, le pied qui coupe » est un des enseignements de Jean-Jacques Sauvage en iaïdo, signifiant que la coupe ne peut s’entendre qu’avec un déplacement approprié du corps. D’autres sensei ne vont faire que regarder vos pieds pour juger du niveau de votre kendo… « L’équilibre parfait sur les deux pieds autorise l’adaptation et le déplacement harmonieux du corps » écrit Pierre Delorme, tandis que Claude Hamot et Yoshimura Kenichi précisent que « le kendo se pratique les pieds nus sans que jamais, pendant l’entraînement, le corps ne cesse, même d’une façon réduite, de se déplacer ». Tout ceci explique pourquoi les pieds arrivent en deuxièmes position, après le regard, dans la maxime “Ichi Gan, Ni Soku, San Tan, Shi Riki” citant les éléments importants pour la pratique du kendo. L’étude du placement des pieds et de leurs mouvements est donc fondamentale pour progresser en kendo.

ZNKR Kata & Testing Info

The information provided here is not intended to teach you the kata; only attending class and practicing can do that. This information is subject to change pursuant to AUSKF requirements. Be sure to consult your instructor with any questions you may have.

Iaido - Kensei Kensan Kai - Iaido - ZNKR

The Zen Ken Ren Iai was created as a result of the realization within the AJKF that the majority of Kendo practioners had little or no experience of using a real or live Katana. Even Kendo-kata, which was thought to convey an understanding of how to use a Katana, was and still is rarely practised for the most part, and often only as a necessary evil in conjunction with gradings. Kendo had in reality become the way of the Shinai. In 1967 a committee was formed within the AJKF in order to deal with this situation. The initial committee members were:

Ogura Noboru Hanshi’s comments on Iaido: technical proficiency and spiritual growth | online community

For Ogura Sensei, those who quit Iaido when they fail a promotional exam may have the wrong goal. Of course, it is crucial for disciples to work hard, trying to gain mastery of physical movements and pass a grading, but Iaido is much more than technical proficiency, he remarked. Simply stated, the essential core value of Iaido is about cultivating oneself and becoming a better being, entailing daily commitment, eagerness, and perseverance. The essence of Iaido or the spirit of mononofu (meaning “all what relates to being a samurai”) is to acquire a harmonious spirit and to learn about respect and consideration for others.

Ittokai Info Page

Grading Requirements The test starts from when you are sitting at the side, waiting to do your techniques, and ends there as well. All movements are looked at.

Seminar Notes 99

GUELPH SPRING SEMINAR NOTES - MAY 1999 by Jacques Van Alsenoy, Belguim. The purpose of these notes is only to note what specific points were emphasised (or struck me) - they are not intended at all to be full descriptions of the different katas (I am not that smart, yet. Maybe one day... who knows!).

Seitei Gata - Akban-wiki, the Martial Arts Database

These are the standard Japanese sword (katana) drawing techniques. The Seitei gata were standardized by a formal comity of Japanese traditional martial artists in the late 20th century. Clicking on the links leads to a description and fine points of executing the techniques and to an embedded video of these Iaido kata.

THE IAIDO NEWSLETTER - Volume 1 number 1 Nov 1989

(IPPONME) MAE (front advance) This technique is roughly equivalent to Mae of Muso Jikiden, or Shohatto of Muso Shinden Ryu. (...)The Muso Shinden noto is as follows (...) For Muso Jikiden proceed as follows.

The Student-Teacher Relationship, Seitei and “Traditional” Iai | [ ]

Like many, my first step into the world of iai and traditional Japanese sword arts was through the Zen Ken seitei-gata and for several years my experiences there strongly colored how I viewed iai, koryu arts and budo in general. Now anyone who has spent any amount of time on online forums or interacting with senior practitioners in various iai and sword related arts, both in Japan and abroad, will know that the seitei-gata “system” (for lack of a better word) can be and is controversial in some circles.


kata Sete Iaï

La description suivante du SETE IAÏ ou SEITEI IAÏ est la forme requise dans les passages de grades officiels de la fédération internationale de IAÏ. Description des 12 kata de Sete Iaï


L’histoire du Iaidō et des différents koryū (écoles anciennes) est assez complexe.

Jo Ha Kyu

This essay will examine the meaning of the term “johakyu” (序 破 急) and how the concept is expressed in iaido kata. I will first examine the term’s history, application and meaning; and following this, the expression of examining johakyu in Ipponme Mae of the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Seitei Iai.

Shinichido - Kendo and Iaido in Crawley - Iaido

The origin of the forms of Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Seitei Kata started in 1967 when it was realised that the majority of modern Kendo practitioners in the ZNKR had little or no experience of the techniques of using a real or live sword. And had realised that Kendo had become the way of the shinia . A committee was set up, comprising of the following members (...).

Iaido -> Description of all Seitei-Katas

The 12 basic forms are called Seitei-Iai (Standard-Iai). They were created by the the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei (ZNKR = All Japan Kendo Federation or IKF). They are training forms, which include all important sword technics. Seitei-Iai forms will provide the basic education (Kihon).

ZNKR iaido, by José Martinez-Abarca

Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Iaido was developed in the 1960s and 70s by an appointed panel of the All Japan Kendo Association (ZNKR or JKA). The original intention was to produce a standard that could be used for gradings nationally and internationally. The idea was to provide a common foundation as a way to unite the various traditional schools of iaido or koryu and to expand the scope of the ZNKR. It was not merely a method to get kendo players to pick up real swords as has been incorrectly assumed.

Présentation - Iaido - Comité National de Kendo

Dans un souci d'unification et afin de permettre à tout les pratiquants d'avoir une base commune, les experts de la Fédération Japonaise de Kendo (Zen-Nippon-Kendo-Renmei, ZNKR) ont développé une nouvelle école le Seitei-Iai (ou Iai ZNKR) qui comporte aujourd'hui 12 Kata inspirés de Kata de divers Koryu.


Iaido - Japanese Traditional Budo

This page introduces Iaido, which is one of the Japanese traditional Budo concerned with drawing the blade and cutting in the same motion. * What is Iaido? * Concept * History and School * Basic Points * Technical Points * Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Seitei Iaido * Hoki ryu - one of the oldest Koryu * Attention * Appendix: Words in Kanji (Chinese characters)