public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Riduidel with tags java & test

April 2006

September 2005


djUnit plugin is JUnit TestRunner with the original classloader. djUnit ClassLoader modifies class in loading to JVM, and runs tests using the modified class. The following functions can now be used easily. Generates a coverage report Testing usi

JUnit, Testing Resources for Extreme Programming

by 1 other
This site is dedicated to software developers using JUnit or one of the other XUnit testing frameworks.

HttpUnit Home

by 7 others
unit testing for web applications

Hansel - ReadMe

by 1 other
Hansel is an extension to JUnit that adds code coverage testing to the testing framework.

jWebUnit - jWebUnit

by 6 others
jWebUnit is a Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests for web applications

by 11 others
test speed connection for any PC through a Java applet

May 2005

StrutsTestCase for JUnit

by 2 others
Unit testing of Struts actions

April 2005

UISpec4J - Overview

UISpec4J is an Open Source functional and/or unit testing library for Swing-based Java applications, built on top of the JUnit test harness.