public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Regis with tag documentation

December 2006

Almosts Plain Text format

APT stands for "Almost Plain Text". APT is a format thats takes the hassle out of writing documentation by striving for simplicity. APT syntax resembles plain-text more than it resembles markup languages such as HTML, and the following document contains some examples of available APT formatting. The following sections contain formatted text that demonstrates the use of APT to create paragraphs, headers, sections, lists, code samples, figures, tables, rules, breaks, and text level elements such as font styles, anchors, and special characters.

June 2006


by 1 other
Asciidoc is a readable plain text syntax (à la wiki) which can be used to write documentation.

April 2006

Regis's TAGS related to tag documentation

java +   rails +   syntax +   xul +