public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Paykhan with tag ressources


Mr mockup

Mockups pour presentation.


Salient Studio

Un generateur, et un constructeur de thème pour Wordpress

Font generator

Generateur de pairing google font

Font Joy

Generateur de pairing typo



Classer les typos pour windows

Place It

by 2 others
Instant mockup !


by 8 others
Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos. 10 new photos every 10 days.


Start making stamps, silkscreens and decals in ten seconds flat.

Death to the Stock photo

A fresh pack to your inbox each month, with awesome stories to match.

Font Pair

by 1 other
Font Pair helps designers pair Google Fonts together.



Free HD images for your web and design projects.

Find Guideline

by 2 others
Guidelines for a bunch of popular websites.

Printable Paper

by 1 other
Des papiers grilles / mockup a imprimer pour dessiner

User Onboard

by 1 other
Tunnel d'inscription expliqué de pas mal de site web

Magic Lantern pour CANON

by 2 others
Magic Lantern is a free software add-on that runs from the SD/CF card and adds a host of new features to Canon EOS cameras that weren't included from the factory by Canon.

Marvel App Zoning

Turn sketches, wireframes, PSDs and designs into interactive mobile and web prototypes in just a few clicks. All synced in real-time from Dropbox.

Sticker JS

A Javascript library that allows you to create a Sticker Effect

Snap SVG

by 7 others
SVG is an excellent way to create interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on any size screen. And the Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM.


Plugin photoshop pour générer du CSS3 depuis un calque.

Créer une font-icone webdesign

by 2 others
Une fonte-icône est tout simplement une police d’écriture dont on aura remplacé certains caractères par des glyphes représentant les icônes que l’on veut utiliser. Très utiles dans le design d’interface lorsque l’on a besoin d’une simple petite icône monochrome, elles ont la flexibilité d’une police d’écriture


Snazzy Maps

by 2 others
Snazzy Maps est un site de ressources dédié à la personnalisation de Google Maps

Paykhan's TAGS related to tag ressources

actionscript +   blog +   cms +   css +   design graphic +   dessin +   dev +   DigitalPainting +   diy +   flash +   fonderie +   gallery +   html +   illustration +   impression +   mockup +   Motion Graphic +   outils +   photography +   photoshop +   portfolio +   Responsive +   shop +   tutorial +   typographie +   ux +   video +   web +   webdesign +