public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Olivia with tags fanfiction & supernatural

27 August 2006

onelittlesleep : Spn : The Highway's On My Moonlight Drive : fic

Excellent dialogue, feel for the characters. Crazy plot that makes you want to hit her, and hug the boys, and everything is so real. Brotherly love conveyed truthfully, not hidden behind tropes and romanticism, cliche, or style.

25 August 2006

24 August 2006

ohnixie : Spn : paucis verbis : fic

Drabble. Dean. Oh, wow. Excellent. Awesome use of the form.

22 August 2006

onelittlesleep : Spn : Out Laying On Our Boards in the Southern Hemisphere : fic

Dean has a sister. Sequel to Strong in the Sun. Wow. I love this universe, and onelittlesleep's writing, so much. Her writing feels fresh, and true.

basingstoke : Spn/AtS : 1967 Plymouth GTX Convertible, Black : fic

Angel/Supernatural crossover. Dean/Gunn. Very good. Funny, and seemingly light, but with these nice dark, serious undercurrents. Little moments of Wow.

gekizetsu : Spn : Marked : fic

Stanford-era, Dean. Angels and demons. Very cool, interesting. The author is adept at creating her own worlds, and making you interested in them, letting you experience them. There is richness and depth to her writing, done without excess language.

20 August 2006

gekizetsu : Spn : Immutable Law 4/5 : fic

Flocked for content. Immutable Law Part Four : The Winsexin! Which is less sexy (although it is, because we're talking soul-deep love and bottomDean,) and more breath-stealing scary. Not boo scary, but Oh My Boys *bites knuckle* scary.

onelittlesleep : Spn : Rain Boy : fic

TeenSammy jerks off in the backseat of the car. Pure porn. Less het or slash than just.. boys. Made me uncomfortably turned on, exactly as it should have. Very real.

19 August 2006

gekizetsu : Spn : Immutable Law - 3/5 : fic

Flocked for content. Part three of Immutable Law. <3

18 August 2006

drvsilla and sanyin : Spn : Distortion : fic

Stanford fic. Sam/Dean UST. Sam gets homesick, and then gets drunk. Oh, the beautiful manpain. I love, love this one. Contains Drunken Sammy Angst and Surrogate Dean.

gekizetsu : Spn : Immutable Law - 2/5 : fic

Part two of five. Amazing! Read this now! I have much love! Much spazzing love!

gekizetsu : Spn : Immutable Law - 1/5 : fic

Sam/Dean. BEST GENDERSWAP EVER. Forget every single one you've ever read. This is it, right here.

15 August 2006

sanyin : Spn : Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been? : fic

John/Mary. Bare suggestion of John/Dean UST. Beautiful introspective John piece. A couple of typos, nothing big. Nicely done.

maygra : Spn : Midnight at the Majestic : fic

Haunted by the past and waiting to heal. Nonexplicit Sam/Dean. Like most of maygra's stuff, it took me a while to get into it, but was very rewarding when I finally did. A quiet piece, a travelogue, a convalescing. Very good.

08 August 2006

merepersiflage : Spn : He's Got the Whole World : fic

Funny. :) Sam gives his brother a pop quiz in science. HAH-HAH get it? A pop quiz? Oh, I kill me. Sequel to "Can You Take 'Em All."

07 August 2006

monkiedude : Spn : Gatorade and Vodka : fic

Stanford fic. Sam has sex with a guy who reminds him of his brother. Totally awesome college boy sexin. Drunken Sammy angst! Beautiful.

dodger-winslow : Spn : Parental Instincts : fic

Dialogue occasionally strays to the unrealistic; but I love the John characterization, and this intimate look into their lives (Dean 8-ish, Sammy 4-ish.) Excellent Dean; makes use of his silent withdrawals, his loving nature, his need to be needed.

05 August 2006

derryderrydown : Spn : Suck You Dry : fic

Dean/John. Succubi totally made us do it! Mmm.. sexy, and angsty. One or two Briticisms, and it's kind of unpolished, but good.

03 August 2006

angstslashhope : Spn : Liminal : fic

A nice little Dean and John vignette. Sexuality. Angst. Men. And stuff.

01 August 2006

fryadvocate : Spn : Missed the Mark : fic

AU - What if the Winchester boys had been born girls? Insightful, sweet, awesome characterization. Set pre-series through the Pilot. I'm as in love with GirlDean as I am with BoyDean. <3

angstslashhope : Spn : Field of Mars : fic

Sequel to On The Banks of The Tiber. All the adjectives I can think of wouldn't come close to doing this justice. Gotta be in my top five alltime favorite SPN fics. Truly excellent John characterization. Wounding, but so beautiful. Excellent.

29 July 2006

angstslashhope : Spn : On The Banks Of The Tiber : fic

Dean is sick, and Sam makes a decision. This is a theme very close to my heart. The beginning is a little dry, was difficult for me to really get into, but it eventually pays off. Very interesting, sad. A horror story, and a love story.