public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Olivia with tags fanfiction & Slash

04 July 2006

merepersiflage : spn : Pour Some Syrup on Me : fic

It has its occasional problems; but I really, really like this. Strong Dean voice. Not sure about the syrup, but there's an awesome backseat sex scene. Sam is 16, Dean 21. Warm and sexy, with a little angst throughout. I love.

01 July 2006

kittyfisher : spn : Synthetic Part 10 - Rope - 10/X : fic

Part 10. Just barely nudges the redline on my squick-meter.

29 June 2006

esohpe : spn : Devil Driven : fic

A good X Made Us Do It fic that's more than just an excuse to get the boys together. I like the way she conveys movement.

28 June 2006

amcw177 : spn : Be with me here : fic

Pretty, almost surreal prose. Sam, and Dean, and water.

traveller : spn : any which way you can : fic

Fighting, and fighting. Cee has command over her style and language; her skill is precise -- what to show, what not to say. She sometimes sacrifices the emotional involvement of the reader for style, but her stories are always interesting, good.

26 June 2006

fatale : spn : Every year but the last : fic

Evocative. Sad. A couple of typos, but otherwise good.

24 June 2006

deannaz : SPN : Things My Brother Taught Me - Ritual part 4 - 11/11 : fic

no sex in this section, but lots of sensual Winchester cuddling. Papa yay!

deannaz : SPN : Things My Brother Taught Me - Rituals part 3 - 11/11 : fic

Mm.. more Caleb/Sammy UST. There might be some.. logistical problems.. but otherwise good.

deannaz : SPN : Things My Brother Taught Me - Rituals part 2 - 11/11 : fic

Oooohh. Fun. I love her Caleb -- not canon Caleb, because she created him before we ever got to know anything about him on the show. But her own special Caleb, whom I'm totally in love with. Tension and voyerurism and aphrodisiacs. oh my.

deannaz : SPN : Things My Brother Taught Me - Rituals part 1 - 11/11 : fic

Part 11 in a series. Flawed -- suffers from unconvincing John characterization and iffy dialogue. But I really do love her boys, and the sweet, primal, exclusive connection they have. Sexy.

20 June 2006

kittyfisher : SPN : Synthetic Part 8 - Gasoline - 8/X : fic

Part 8. I don't like where the story goes from here, but YMMV.

19 June 2006

kittyfisher : SPN : Synthetic Part 1 - Synthetic 1/X : fic

AU. Sam/Dean, Dean/OCs, offstage Dean/John. BDSM. Rape fic, prostitution, etc. Guilty pleasure. I don't like where she takes the story in later chapters - mostly because of her unsympathetic portrayal of John; but until then, it's pretty entertaining

17 June 2006

majikat01 : SPN : Trespass : fic

FLOCKED. very wrong, very powerful, underage John/Dean fic that manages to be scarily sexy.

16 June 2006

13 June 2006

12 June 2006

10 June 2006