public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Olivia with tags fanfiction & Slash

07 August 2006

monkiedude : Spn : Gatorade and Vodka : fic

Stanford fic. Sam has sex with a guy who reminds him of his brother. Totally awesome college boy sexin. Drunken Sammy angst! Beautiful.

05 August 2006

derryderrydown : Spn : Suck You Dry : fic

Dean/John. Succubi totally made us do it! Mmm.. sexy, and angsty. One or two Briticisms, and it's kind of unpolished, but good.

29 July 2006

angstslashhope : Spn : On The Banks Of The Tiber : fic

Dean is sick, and Sam makes a decision. This is a theme very close to my heart. The beginning is a little dry, was difficult for me to really get into, but it eventually pays off. Very interesting, sad. A horror story, and a love story.

poisontaster : Spn : In For A Penny : fic

Sam/Dean. underage. OH, beautiful. Perfect. This is exactly the scenario I've been trying to put down into words, myself, and could never do justice to. I could never really get into the Every Broken Thing verse, but this works as a standalone.

25 July 2006

merepersiflage : Spn : Can You Take'em All? : fic

Sam/Dean. Dean gives Sammy a pop quiz in US history. Patriotic porn! A couple of spelling errors, but it's not like that fucking matters, HOMG SO HOT.

maygra : Spn : When Sam was Mauled by a Bear : fic

Sam/Dean. Exploring their scars. Beautiful; really lovely. Sweet and sexy.

23 July 2006

sevenfists : Spn : Like Neighbor and Weigh : fic

Sam/Dean. I like this. A portrait of who they are together, in the quiet moments. Vignettes.

derryderrydown : Spn : No Virtue Like It : fic

Prostitution Fic yay! Story seems a little cursory, but I really like the Dean characterization.

19 July 2006

drvsilla : Spn : What Things Burn the Sun - Part 2 : fic

Part 2. Sam/Dean. 14/18. Some unnecessary descriptions and tableaus go overlong. But there's tasty finger sucking and sensuality and sex, and good trailer-trash memories for me to savor -- funny how being poor seems so romantic in retrospect. :)

drvsilla : Spn : What Things Burn the Sun - Part One : fic

Sam/Dean pre-series. Sam is 14, Dean 18. Clumsily written, but very sexy and very hot. Sammy's feet, oh my god, almost exactly what I've wanted to read since FOREVER. And masturbation and lots of sweet Sammy sexin. *bites knuckle*

18 July 2006

teand : Spn/Lost : Pool Side : fic

Dean/Sawyer. This is great. Silly and funny and still manages to be pretty hot. A little self-referential, which I usually dislike, but it's well suited to the tone of the piece. Some typos, etc, but overall, pretty awesome.

maygra : Spn : Second Sight - 10/11 - Make known to me the path of life : fic

Second Sight, part ten. Really beautiful. Maygra does domestic so well, I barely even mind it, and I usually can't stand the stuff. Very nice.

17 July 2006

maygra : Spn : Second Sight - 7/11 - Every One Shall Be Salted With Fire : fic

Second Sight, part 7. Nonexplicit Sam/Dean, although the distinction doesn't mean much. Physical intimacy as extension of their fundamental bond.

maygra : Spn : Second Sight - 6/11 - And If Ye Offer The Blind : fic

Second Sight, part six. It took me a while to get into this series, but it's turning out to be very rewarding.

maygra : Spn : Second Sight - 5/11 - As The Dancers Shall Say : fic

Second Sight, part five. I really like this chapter. Sam is a runner! I have so much love for that -- always thought he was better suited for track or basketball than soccer. Sweet, a little melancholy. Nicely done.

maygra : Spn : Second Sight - 1/11 - All That Is Good In Thy Sight : fic

AU. They say when you lose one sense another one becomes stronger -- but is that a blessing, or a curse? Mostly gen, with eventual Sam/Dean. Scattered typos and grammatical errors, but still excellent.

gigantic : Spn : Distrust Everything, If You Have To : fic

Sam/Dean. Most of the story told in pre-Pilot flashback. Very good.

kita0610 : Spn : Cult Apologists : fic

Wow. Nice. I love the recurring rhythms, the patterns. Interesting images, word choices. Not fluffy.

15 July 2006

lyra_wing : Spn : Lessons Learned - 5/5 : fic

Part five. A little saccharine for my taste, but still fun.