public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Olivia with tags fanfiction & Slash

10 June 2006

07 June 2006

joyfulgirl41 : SPN : give or take the subject or the verb : fic

Bodyswap. A little too romance-novel in spots for me, but it's very sweet, and there is some nice characterization. And sex.

05 June 2006

Audrey Lemon : XF/TLB : untitled : fic

Krycek/Michael. I'm sorry. This is pretty bad, but I can't help loving it. It makes me :). I think it's a requisite in every Krycek fic that he say at some point, "I am going to fuck you now." *laff* no, seriously, i do love this. crack warning.

04 June 2006

Audrey Lemon : TLB : Drift 6/6 : fic

wow. really good. this series is not just sex and a forbidden relationship -- she understands what she's putting her characters through. very real.

Audrey Lemon : TLB : Young Love 5/6 : fic

Michael/Sam. She gets it -- the possession and remorse, the feeling that you aren't anybody without your object of obsession. And the genuine love, too. And I always feel these are real teenage boys having sex, not generic male figures.

Audrey Lemon : TLB : Dad 4/6 : fic

flawed, but interesting. good characterization.

03 June 2006

Audrey Lemon : TLB : The Surface of Things 2/6 : fic

Michael/Sam. gets a bit soap-operaey at the end, but there's some good stuff in here. very real; real reactions and motivations. I don't usually like the Guilt, unless it feels genuine to me, and this does.

Audrey Lemon : TLB : Changes 1/6 : fic

Michael/Sam. some poor word choices, but otherwise good.

Audrey Lemon : TLB : Night : fic

michael/sam. flawed, but has some nice bits.

02 June 2006

3jane and thete1: XMEN : Handbasket Part 1 -- Overnight : fic

Hank/Bobby. Read this years ago -- finally got around to reading it again, and.. Wow. Good and filthy and beautiful.

26 May 2006

25 May 2006

whereupon : SPN : As Water : fic

like watching the stars move. cuts to the bone, to the soul, leaving only the essential. horrible, beautiful.

24 May 2006

23 May 2006

ethrosdemon : SPN : Redemption is A Four Letter Word : fic

I always did love Lindsey. Dean + Lindsey is love more than you can know. Light, funny, charming. Hotcakes.

22 May 2006

onelittlesleep : SPN : But the Law Never Will : fic

sequel to Mountain Lion, also recced here. Dean/OMC. so perfect.

onelittlesleep : SPN : Someday, The Mountain Lion Get Him : fic

possibly the most perfect thing I have ever read. characterization, dialogue, the crisp action and what to leave in and what not to say. all of it, so good. highly recommended.

17 May 2006

maygra and gekizetsu : SPN : Finally Gets Home : fic

Month of Open Doors / Salvation universe. Futurefic. Dean/Sam/Sarah. Beautiful, in an understated, domestic way. I love the adult characterization. A little hurty, a little sweet. Quietly erotic. Good!

apetslife : SPN : Turn The Page : fic

wincest lite. nice little vignettes, wavers maybe in places. written early in season 1, when characterization was unsure, unfixed. warm, and sweet.