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PUBLIC MARKS from ODGSOFT with tag "Fill WebForm"

12 April 2007 15:45

FormAI Frequently asked questions

:FormAI installation is successful, why does he not use? A : FormAI line in the first operation of the need to be updated. This is necessary. In this, you will not use. However, this process is very fast. Unless your network or firewall normal defense. Q : FormAI in the process of installing anti-virus software and a warning that this is how so? A : FormAI the installation process, we need to be embedded in your browser, and therefore, anti-virus software you may be suggested that this information. You do not need to worry that this is normal. Q:FormAI successfully updated online, why not change? A : FormAI download is successful, the computer will start next update. Therefore, Before you feel no change in this. We suggest that you restart the computer. Q : Why not in my browser toolbar FormAI show? A : Since you do not know what is the use of the browser. Therefore, summed up a number of possible reasons. 1 may be your browser does not support, 2 browser configuration is not appropriate. 3, it could also be FormAI support, FormAI support for the current IE, or other browsers based on IE. Q : FormAI use the collection function, what can be found to preserve the articles? A : If you did not change the default FormAI installed, the installation of which will keep your list below. Q:FormAI Login to the site functional invalid A : This problem is very likely due to the following reasons : No. 1 you do not have this information posted to the site. No. 2 is not your URL to preserve the current URL. Even with a Web site. Q : How Generation FormAI use Password functions? A : You can click through More->Make password generated passwords the will keep to the clipboard. You can use shortcut keys Ctrl+V show.

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