public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tags accessibilité & webdesign

August 2010

AccessiWeb/RGAA, accessibilité des éléments multimédias |

ce document récapitule les exigences des référentiels AccessiWeb, version 2.1 et RGAA, version 2.2 pour les éléments multimédias

DingoAccess » Accessing Nav Drop-Downs

by 1 other

for people who rely on the keyboard to access the web, with and without a screen reader


by 2 others
base de connaissance des bons et mauvais exemples d'accessibilité

July 2010

Drupal Accessibility Statement |

As an inclusive community, we are committed to making sure that Drupal is an accessible tool for building websites and that Drupal helps you create websites that are themselves accessible.

Cross Culture Accessability: Web Design That Crosses Cultures | Design Juices

If you want your website to achieve global stardom, you need to make sure it’s cross-culturally accessible. What works in one country may go down like a lead balloon in another part of the world.

Les hyperliens dans une page Web doivent-ils avoir une longueur maximale ? - AccessiBlogue | AccessibilitéWeb

Bien que les bonnes pratiques jugent souhaitable que les libellés des hyperliens soient relativement courts pour faciliter leur utilisation et leur compréhension, qu’on se le dise, il n’y a pas d’exigences particulières dans les standards (tant au niveau de WCAG 2.0 que de SGQRI 008-01), qui obligent les hyperliens à respecter une longueur maximale en nombre de caractères.

ginger's thoughts » Introducing media accessibility into HTML5

In recent months, people in the W3C HTML5 Accessibility Task Force developed two proposals for introducing caption, subtitle, and more generally time-aligned text support into HTML5 audio and video.

June 2010

Un lecteur vidéo accessible qui répond au standard du SGQRI 008 « Blogue de Nurun Services Conseils

by 1 other
Parmi les défis que nous avions à relever figurait celui de l’intégration des vidéos dans un lecteur accessible avec sous-titrage et transcription.

Writing text alternatives for maps « Writing for the Web

When you use maps on your website you need to provide text alternatives. These will help people who have problems accessing information using graphical or interactive maps.

Beyond guidelines: Advanced accessibility techniques

by 1 other
For ultimate accessibility though, try implementing some of these techniques too:

Accessibility does not prevent you from using JavaScript or Flash | 456 Berea Street

A common misconception is that in order to make a website accessible you have to abstain from using JavaScript or Flash. Almost every time I hold a workshop on Web standards and accessibility there is at least one participant who believes that accessibility limits what they can do on the Web by telling them to stay away from anything that isn’t pure HTML.

May 2010

Accessibilité : un investissement durable pour un Internet de qualité| Artesi Île de France

Comment avez-vous adapté au référentiel RGAA ?

B.R : nous avons choisi d’investir sur l’accessibilité au moment des refontes de sites, c’est à cette occasion que nous prenons en compte le RGAA. Ce référentiel est d’ailleurs intégré dans nos appels d’offres.

Clear Helper

Web Accessibility for People with Intellectual / Cognitive Disabilities

Planning Usability Testing | Accessibility in User-Centered Design | Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design

The Usability Testing section is an overview of usability testing with participants with disabilities.

The Sound of the Accessible Title Text Separator- Standards Schmandards

To help you select an accessible title tag separator I have created a table of commonly used separator characters below and recorded the ouput from JAWS

Text Captcha Demo

This page showcases CAPTCHA logic question examples. This site provides a web service to generate such questions for use in other sites.

Manual And Automated Web Accessibility Testing

There are two major approaches to testing the accessibility of web pages. The older one is manual testing, using a browser, a text editor and our best judgment. The newer method is the use of automated web accessibility testing tools. This article will explore the benefits of both approaches and will suggest how to combine both methods to achieve better results in a shorter amount of time.

WebAIM: Blog - Future Web Accessibility: HTML5 Semantic Elements

by 1 other
This is the second in a multipost series about the immediate and likely future of web accessibility.

Is Your Website Usable by Everyone? Accessibility Analysis Lets You Know |

Accessibility has made its way into the mainstream of web development. Development environments offer accessibility analysis built in and web utilities are available to test the accessibility of published pages, but there’s no substitute for human testing.

Importance of HTML Headings for Accessibility

According to a screenreader survey, 76% of screenreader users use headings to navigate either ‘often’ or ‘all the time’. With that statistic we can’t argue how important headings are especially for people with disabilities.

April 2010

The Myths About Web Accessibility | WSI Digital Marketing Blog

Regardless of the level to which businesses are enforced to comply, Web Accessibility should still be a consideration when developing or enhancing a website. Unfortunately, along with the demands of Website accessibility, there come several myths that might deter you from making your business’s website accessible.

November 2009

POMPAGE - Accessibilité : un regard sur la résolution et la taille des écrans

Un des aspects les plus problématiques de la conception de pages web est la prise en compte de la myriade de dimensions et de résolutions d’écrans.