public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tags accessibilité & webdesign

November 2011

Using Fonts for Icons... | CSS-Tricks

I've created this page to attempt to convince you. It shows examples and lists six reasons why it's a good idea and three common arguments against them (some of which I refute).

An accessible, keyboard friendly custom select menu | 456 Berea Street

by 1 other

And finally a reminder: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

August 2011

10 conseils pour rédiger des liens web - Editoile sur (17:00)

La rédaction des liens est plus complexe qu'il n'y paraît. Elle nécessite quelques bonnes pratiques, pas mal de bon sens et un peu de html.

June 2011

On using h1 for all heading levels in HTML5 | 456 Berea Street

In the meantime my advice is to use HTML5 sectioning content elements when they are appropriate, but continue to use h1 - h6 for headings. That way you can safely use the new elements.

April 2011

Web Accessibility: 10 Common Developer Mistakes | Ecommerce Developer

The most common mistakes made in web accessibility have more to do with a failure to understand what constitutes accessible content than with a failure to understand the technology.

Designing Websites with Understanding and Accessibility

Follow some of these ideas in the future of your layouts. You may be surprised at how positive interactions can be when web processes are slowed and streamlined for efficiency. Regardless of browsers or software you can implement these great changes into your site affecting all bouts of incoming traffic.

March 2011

Make your images accessible | Yahoo! Accessibility Library

Images make web pages interesting. So let’s make them useful for everyone, not just those that can see them.

February 2011

Five kinds of 'alt' text

What’s less commonly known is that there are five different classes of image used on web pages and each of those images requires a different approach to writing the ‘alt’ attribute.

January 2011

Stop Arial 11px ! -

by 1 other

Cette page est exceptionnellement en Arial 11px, pour servir le propos. J’espère que vous me pardonnerez car ce choix est déplorable pour la lisibilité à l’écran, tant par la taille que par la police. En 2011, prenons la saine résolution d’éradiquer le 11px !

December 2010

Universal Design, Usability, and Accessibility - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Colleges should rethink their approach to designing online environments and digital tools in order to better meet the needs of all of their users, not just those with disabilities

Cognitive Accessibility Online | Yahoo! Accessibility

There are a number of reasons why cognitive accessibility is not taken into account when designing websites. Accessibility for users with cognitive disabilities can be a far greater challenge than for those with other types of disabilities.

7 Tips and Techniques For Multi-lingual Website Accessibility – Humanising Technology Blog

Sorting out domain names, web server configuration, URL structure, page layout and the translation of content are likely to be high on your ‘to do’ list. With all that keeping you busy, meeting the accessibility requirements for your website may slip to the bottom of the pile.

Accessibility First—for a Better User Experience for All :: UXmatters

designing for mobile before designing a Web application for a desktop browser

Guide to Semantic Use of HTML Elements | Joe Dolson Accessible Web Design

This guide only deals with elements which have a specific, human-readable meaning.

ginger's thoughts » Accessibility to Web video for the Vision-Impaired

How to increase the amount of video descriptions - HTML5 specifications for video descriptions

November 2010

The Paciello Group Blog » Using the HTML title attribute

The HTML title attribute is problematic. It is problematic because it is not well supported in some crucial respects, even though it has been with us for over 13 years.

October 2010

Checking colour contrast – Humanising Technology

When people talk about colour contrast on the web, they’re usually thinking in terms of text and information rich images. Most people won’t care what colours you’ve used for your decorative swooshes. If they can’t read the information you’ve put on your website though, they’re likely to be quite unhappy about it.

End hover abuse now : Cennydd Bowles on user experience

Designers who pop up information panels or move page elements on hover are using flawed logic, second-guessing what users want to do before they do it.

We Haven’t Forgotten About Accessibility, Have We? - Monday By Noon

After all, the accessible nature of Web standards was a good argument to those that didn’t stand behind standards, right? Lately I’ve been fearing that we may have in part lost sight of how truly important accessibility is.

Javascript Accessibility Guidelines — Hall of Bright Carvings

Purpose: The nature of the internet is that not everyone will receive JavaScript in the way intended. Therefore JavaScript should be applied in a way that enhances the page, rather than requiring it.

Accessibility Principles for the Modern Designer :Speckyboy Design Magazine

As web designers we must constantly criticize and re-evaluate our own digital works. Many rework changes into website aesthetics or graphics, maybe an updated site logo or sidebar. Ultimately where we should be focusing towards is user experience and accessibility.

Proper Standards-Compliant Color Use in Web Design

Perhaps it is no secret to you that a good frontend design should be usable and accessible. That could be understood as having content that’s organized, readable, and understandable to everyone browsing the web, regardless of any impairment they may have.

September 2010

10 Tools for Evaluating Web Design Accessibility

by 1 other
In this post, you’ll find 10 free tools to help you evaluate and correct issues which decrease your website’s accessibility. There was a high emphasis on the ease-of-use during the selection of these tools.