public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tags accessibilité & webdesign

June 2012

Can Assistive Technology Make a Website Accessible? | Karl Groves

One of the common misconceptions people tend to have about assistive technologies is that assistive technologies can “make things accessible”. The assumption in such cases seems based on an incomplete understanding of how assistive technologies work

May 2012

Lisibilité des sites web, font-size : 100% – 16px | All For Design

by 2 others

solutions mises en place par les webdesigners pour améliorer la lisibilité de leur contenu textuel

Glisser-déposer accessible avec WAI-ARIA

by 2 others

Cet article est destiné aux personnes voulant créer des applications internet riches avec une fonctionnalité de glisser-déposer et souhaitant la rendre accessible.

Traduction par Cédric Trévisan de "Accessible drag and drop using WAI-ARIA" de Gez Lemon

Color Laboratory -- AWARE Center -- HTML Writers Guild

by 2 others

This color laboratory allows you to select colors and see how they appear next to one another, and in various foreground/background combinations. It also allows you to see those colors as they might appear to color-blind users.

Reflecting on GAAD | Web Axe - Practical Web Design Accessibility Tips - Podcast and Blog

Involvement with GAAD has only reinforced my belief that we, working in digital accessibility, only benefit when we engage with and support members of the mainstream design, development, and related communities in raising the profile of and addressing digital accessibility.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is Today – but where’s the Sem Tech? -

What started with a simple blog-post by Los Angeles Web Developer, Joe Devon, has grown to include events around the world designed to increase awareness about web accessibility issues. To read more about the day and these various activities, see the official GAAD Website and Facebook page.

Post GAAD recap and what’s next |

We will be discussing among other things, how the GAAD event was. As I’m writing some notes about it, I thought it time to discuss reaction to the event and what’s next.

Édition Nº1 | le train de 13h37

le train de 13h37 ne souhaite pas s'arrêter aux limites du Web. Découvrir des talents et leur donner la parole est un de nos objectifs.

April 2012

Text Resize Widgets and Fishing

Here's a collection of previous comments and updated notes on why not to provide only a text resize widget on your website.

March 2012

L’évaluation de l’accessibilité des sites Web selon le W3C |

Le W3C a publié le 27 mars 2012 un « early draft » d’une méthode harmonisée d’évaluation des sites web. Bonne nouvelle, en apparence, mais on y trouve une petite phrase de rien du tout, qui pourrait bien s’avérer lourde de conséquences.

Ce que veulent les internautes |

J’ai lu un jour que l’accessibilité du web était plus difficile à intégrer intellectuellement (émotionnellement?) par les propriétaires de sites que par ceux des boutiques de la vie réelle, parce qu’un webmaster n’a jamais à faire face réellement aux gens qui pâtissent de ses manquements

Dropdown Menus Test Page

Below are links to demonstration pages in which dropdown menus are implemented using various methods and libraries. The goal is to provide navigation menus that are fully accessible to all users

February 2012

Deux-trois trucs pour tester l’accessibilité d’un site à l’aide de « Jaws » • Rubrique Accessibilité • Babylon Design

Découvrez dans un screencast de moins de 5 minutes quelques raccourcis essentiels pour tester votre site avec la synthèse vocale la plus répandue du marché.

WebAIM: Blog - WCAG Next

we present here some possible changes and improvements to WCAG 2.0, and items that we hope might help you better understand and implement optimal accessibility

January 2012 - Ressources sur le Référentiel général d’accessibilité pour les administrations

Le site présente sous une forme navigable et accessible les 187 tests de l’annexe 2 du RGAA.

December 2011

Web accessibility myths 2011 – a call for accessibility advocates to be more business-minded

by 1 other
Elie Sloïm a dit sur Twitter "Cet article est un bonheur. On casse le dogme, enfin"

Confusion over HTML5 & WAI-ARIA | Karl Groves

Recently, Everett Zufelt posted an excellent blog post titled: Are You Confused by HTML5 and WAI-ARIA Yet?. In his post, Everett outlines a number of areas in which the evolving HTML5 specification and the WAI-ARIA specification conflict with one another in ways which can cause confusion among web developers.

Qualité Web ? Prévention des risques ! - Blog Temesis

Les référentiels, les checklists, les guides de bonnes pratiques sont avant tout des outils de prévention des risques.

Débat dans les commentaires : à quoi bon un site accessible si on ne peut pas le trouver faute de référencement ?

Back to Basics: Skip to Main Content Links | Terrill Thompson

With some simple JQuery, you can force browsers to give focus to the targets of skip nav links, plus highlight the target section temporarily so sighted users know they’ve arrived.

Should Sighted Developers Use Screenreaders To Test Accessibility? |

There is some controversy about the idea of sighted web designers and developers using screenreading software to test web sites for accessibility. Some people suggest one must use a screenreader to test their sites. Others believe it is counter productive. I think that very few sighted people can get the correct results by using screenreaders to test a website. I further think that too many people think that the accessibility testing is complete once they’ve used a screenreader on their website.

Livre blanc : les formulaires web – Clever Age, 100% digital

Les formulaires web sont encore et souvent négligés, parfois recouverts d’une couche graphique plus néfaste que pratique, et rarement considérés comme un puissant levier de transformation qu’il s’agisse de produit, de service ou d’information. Ce livre blanc a pour ambition de traiter cette problématique de complétion que l’on retrouve associée à chaque formulaire au travers d’une vision croisée entre accessibilité, ergonomie et esthétique.

November 2011

A simple introduction to web accessibility | Feature | .net magazine

Accessibility can often seem daunting and complex but in fact there are only four types of disability you need to be aware of. Through groupings, simulations and quick fixes, UX and accessibility consultant Ian Hamilton shows that the basics are actually surprisingly simple

A Guide To Improve Your Website's Readability Through Colors

Colors have a huge effect on readability. This is why you need to choose them wisely so that they not only create esthetically pleasing combinations but also make it easier for users to read the text. Text is an integral part of any site and we shouldn’t punish visitors for coming to our site by using hard to read color combinations.