public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Krome with tags google & webdev


cmusatyalab/openface · GitHub

Face recognition with Google's FaceNet deep neural network.

gmaps.js — Google Maps API with less pain and more fun

by 2 others
gmaps.js allows you to use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way. No more extensive documentation or large amount of code.





jquery-flickr - Project Hosting on Google Code

jQuery Flickr plug-in is a JavaScript interface for Flickr Services API written on top of the jQuery library.


Embeddable Google Document Viewer

by 4 others

Embeddable Google Document Viewer

minify - Google Code

by 11 others
Combines, minifies, and caches JavaScript and CSS files on demand to speed up page loads.

jspdf - Google Code

jsPDF generates PDF documents using pure JavaScript