public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Jahroots


Lambda Probe

by 1 other
Open source Tomcat management and monitoring tool.

Créer son serveur VPN sous Debian | Le blog de My1

by 1 other
Voici un tutoriel tout frais qui va vous permettre comme moi d’avoir son propre serveur VPN (Virtual Private Network). Un serveur VPN, c’est quoi ? Pennons mon exemple : J’ai un serveur à la maison et j’ai un pc portable avec lequel je bouge beaucoup. J’avais envie d’un système me permettant d’être dans mon réseau local partout où j’irais dans le monde. C’est le but du VPN, il va agir comme un tunnel chiffré entre le client et le serveur via des certificats.


Seamless JSF: Conversations with Seam

by 1 other
Developing a stateful CRUD application is a breeze with Seam on the job. Dan Allen shows you how to use JavaServer Faces (JSF) and Seam to develop the create, read, update, and delete use cases for a Web-based golf course directory.

Nude art - Pin Up Artistic Nude Drawing

by 1 other
Nude art - Pin Up Artistic Nude Drawing artists who paint "pin-up". The main field of these artists is art (oil painting, acrylic, watercolor). However, their soul is so glamour, that they can not stay aside and pay much attention and creativity to nude art where they show all beauty of female and male nude body and all those feelings that make us feel excited and touch our heart. These pictures are called "nude pin-up". We call them "love in paintings" and "life in love". Perhaps, there is nothing more strong then erotic fantasies in each other's minds. However, artists are open and honest and they put their erotic fantasies on their pictures.

test everything — 100 tools in one!

by 10 others
Outils pour tester son site internet

Ajaxian » jscsscomp: JavaScript and CSS files compressor

by 1 other
We love to play with the plumbing don't we. jscsscomp is the latest compressor that uses Nicolas Martin PHP version of the Dean Edwards JavaScript Compressor.

Tutorial MySQL : alléger des requêtes successives avec CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE - Le Potlatch

by 2 others
Travailler avec des tables SQL de 30 Mo pour en triturer les données est une épreuve capable de mettre à genoux votre serveur dédié de compétition. La fonction CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE peut vous aider à alléger grandement les performances. Etude de cas sur une application de statistiques de visite et autres optimisations possibles.

TaskFreak! web based task manager / todo list written in PHP

by 15 others
TaskFreak! is a simple but efficient web based task manager written in PHP.

ZIP Files in PHP

by 1 other
ZIP? It's about time! PHP just added ZIP features to PHP V5.2. Now they're now built-in. After reading this article, you will be well versed in the art of ZIP files using the latest ZIP PHP extension, so you can reduce bandwidth overhead or storage usage when handling large files with PHP.

Papyrus UML

by 2 others
Papyrus is a dedicated tool for modelling within UML2. This open source tool is based on the Eclipse environment.

Struts et JSP à la poubelle - Archiblog - Stratic

by 2 others
Struts et JSP à la poubelle: un article contre jsp, struts et jsf

The Java Turorials

by 10 others
The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications. They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails".