public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Hydragon with tags design & tips

November 2005

The Shape of Days

by 1 other
A colophon is a section of a book, usually at the back, that describes the book itself. It usually tells you what typefaces were used, what country had to be colonized to build the plantations to make the paper, and how big the drum of ink was. ’Cause t

Writing Efficient CSS

by 3 others
This article is intended for people familiar with CSS syntax and usage. If you are new to CSS, see Adrian Senior's excellent article, CSS: An Introduction, in the articles section of CMX

July 2005

Flexi Floats - Multi Column CSS-P Layout

by 2 others
Flexi-Floats 3 Column CSS Layout - Fluid, Multi-Column Stretch Header, Footer, Fluid Center - Fixed or Fluid widths