public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from CharlesNepote with tags "web 2.0" & collaboration

June 2008

February 2008

July 2007

Un univers de trolls

"Pour moi, il y a une différence fondamentale entre la possibilité de tout dire et le fait de dire n’importe quoi. Malheureusement, le web 2.0 nous pousse souvent vers le n’importe quoi. Comme nous avons les moyens de nous exprimer, nous nous exprimons coûte que coûte même si nous n’avons rien à dire. Nous entrons dans l’âge de la médiocrité."

June 2007


" CommunityLend is exactly what it sounds like. It's an online community where people lend money directly to other people. It is an exciting and unique lending exchange for Canadians that will revolutionize the way lending works in Canada. We are not a bank, in fact, we're better. We are a lending community made up of your community. You can set your own rates, payback periods and meet some cool people along the way, all without paying irritating banking or investing service fees. "

May 2007