public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from .rico with tags lang:en & javascript

January 2006

November 2005

October 2005

September 2005

WebEditors (JavaScript)

by 28 others
litse d'éditeurs JavaScript (par Genii Software)

August 2005

May 2005


by 3 others
printed references and free online resources useful in your web design adventures, with Color, Fonts, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


by 7 others (via)
Small script to easily display hover tool tips You can attach a popup to anything by simply giving it a class of 'hasHelp' and an id. Then adding the help text to a blockquote and giving that a class of 'helpContents' and an id of 'xxxHelp' where xxx is the id of the element it's related to.

April 2005

Code Snippets: "next gen" bookmarklet [javascript] [bookmarklet]

by 3 others (via)
With this code, create "next generation" bookmarklets. The good points are that : - the code is remotely loaded (so updatable and more simply testable) - you have no length limitation - you can dispatch the code in various libaries

March 2005

Greasemonkey script: Google Suggest

by 1 other
"Here's a Greasemonkey script I just cooked up. It makes the dynamic drop-down from Google Suggest a bona fide part of Google, placing it on the Google home page and on search-result pages."