public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from -Nicolas- with tag infographie

22 October 2006

19 October 2006

18 October 2006

29 September 2006

Manu Cornet's website

Imagine that you have an image with a small sample of a texture, like a few strawberries (out of a plate full of them), a few square inches of grass (from a large grassy field), or a few dozens of your cat's hairs (your cat really has more than that). If you want to generate a larger texture with this small image, you could just copy-paste it, and put the copies (or "patches") one next to another, but that wouldn't produce a very good result, since the right (or top) part of the image usually doesn't correspond to its left (or bottom) part, when two copies of the image are assembled.

21 September 2006

BlenderArt Magazine - Your online source for 3D news and information about the Open-Source 3D Program and related open-source software

by 1 other
The magazine was started for the blender community, having the aim of publishing a bi-monthly PDF magazine; free for download. The goal of the magazine is to provide quality learning content for the blender community, from the efforts of the community itself.

07 September 2006

TUTMarks /

by 69 others, 1 comment
TUTMARKS est un site web collaboratif spécialisé dans le partage et la promotion de tutoriaux sur Internet, il permet aux internautes de proposer des tutoriaux trouvés sur le web, de les commenter, et d'en évaluer l'intérêt par un système de vote/notation.

05 September 2006 - Awards

Série de mini didactitiels Wings 3D et Bryce 5.

03 September 2006


by 1 other
Traduction française de la documentation de Blender.

01 September 2006

Elephants Dream

by 12 others
Elephants Dream is the world’s first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please, under a Creative Commons license. The short film was created by the Orange Open Movie Project studio in Amsterdam during 2005/2006, bringing together a diverse team of artists and developers from all over the world.

09 August 2006


Réalisation d'un personnage de A à Z, modélisation, textures, skinning.

24 April 2006

A Guide to Inkscape

by 8 others
A guide to using Inkscape, an SVG based drawing program. The book starts with several introductory tutorials then proceeds to cover each facet of Inkscape in detail.

14 March 2006

L'application de textures avec Wings 3D

Depuis quelques versions Wings3d bénéficie d'un module permettant la création de coordonnées de texture. C'est ce module que nous allons explorer dans ce petit tutorial. Celui-ci est basé sur la version 0.98.32a de Wings 3D (ou ultérieure). Le logiciel est téléchargeable à cette adresse

24 February 2006

Kator Legaz

by 1 other (via)
Dépôt de modèles 3d pour Blender.

29 January 2006

Premiers pas avec Wings 3D

Le but de ce tutorial est de vous familiarisez avec l'interface, et quelques outils. Nous verrons tous cela au travers de la modélisation d'un petit vaisseaux spacial. Nous n'aborderons pas tous les outils, ni toutes les fonctionnalités du logiciel (loin de là), mais j'espère que cette première approche vous donnera envie d'aller plus loin.

09 January 2006

Blender Artists

Hi, and welcome to BlenderArtists. This site is devoted to helping users of the 3D software suite Blender. Wether you are just starting to use Blender or you are a regular user of the software, this site can help you get better at it! Follow tutorials, download handy Blender resources like scripts and models, or just hang out and communicate with other users at the forum.

17 August 2005

Grokking the Gimp VF

by 4 others (via)
Vous trouverez dans ces pages la traduction et l'adaptation complète de l'oeuvre de Carey Bunks : Grokking The Gimp. Il s'agit d'un manuel complet sur le logiciel libre The Gimp.

19 June 2005

Blender 3D: Tutorial Links List

Here you can find useful Blender Tutorial Links in English language. Feel free to add some cool tutorial, but here only in English.

07 April 2005, les couleurs du monde

by 4 others (via)
Ce site propose des articles consacrés à la couleur: le phénomène physique, la perception des couleurs, la langue française et la couleur, des questions-réponses, un glossaire, une présentation des principaux modèles et nuanciers de couleurs, quelques jeux, une sélection de liens ...

05 April 2005

by 4 others
Le Magazine Online de la 3d Francophone