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米Yahoo Mail、Gmailを抑えてユーザー数増加--コムスコア調査[CNET Japan] インターネット-最新ニュース:IT-PLUS

by kuroyagi
"Yahooは過去1年間で約2000万人の新ユーザーを獲得し、「Yahoo Mail」のユーザー数は、2008年6月の8720万人から22%増加して、2009年6月には1億620万人に達した...Gmailの現在のユーザー数は3690万人に過ぎない。Microsoftの「Hotmail」は、ユーザー数では第2位となる4710万人を抱えるが、前年と比較した増加率は3%にとどまっている。"

Yahoo’s Number Ones, So Much More Than Search

by kuroyagi (via)
"We reached out to comScore to get some idea on how dominant the company is in its various markets:"

Yahoo! Steals Search Share from Google in January 2009 - Search Marketing News Blog - Search Engine Watch (SEW)

by kuroyagi
"Yahoo! gained 0.5 percentage points in comScore search engine rankings for January 2009. Google just happened to lose the same amount of percentage points during the same month. But they're not the only two swapping points. Microsoft stole 0.2% from"


TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » 数字で見る2007年:Yahooにトラフィック数での問題なし

by kuroyagi

Search Marketing Vital for Brand Building and Driving Offline Sales for Consumer Packaged Goods Companies

by kuroyagi (via)
“While search marketing has long been recognized as an effective direct response vehicle, it’s been largely overlooked by CPG companies who focus on brand advertising and promotional efforts to drive in-store purchasing,”

comScore の微妙なプレスリリース‐SEM酒場

by kuroyagi
全検索件数からY! とG の検索件数を引くことで、「Yahoo! JAPAN とGoogle 以外の検索エンジンの合計検索件数」を求めることができる。計算してみたのがこちら(Other の行)。

Yahoo! and comScore Study Finds Online Consumers Who Pre-Shop on the Web Spend More In-Store

by kuroyagi (via)
These highly-engaged ‘pre-shoppers’ spend an average of 41 percent more in-store when compared to consumers not exposed to online advertising.

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last mark : 19/08/2009 07:49