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PUBLIC MARKS with tag xp

March 2007

nLite est disponible en version 1.3 finale - PC INpact

by anod1
logiciel pour personnaliser windows XP a l'installation

February 2007

Kispad: Ajánlott ingyenes szoftverek

by olahandras78
Hasznos lista hasznos programokról

January 2007

freeware wintoolsxp : free tool utilities for XP | BlogFeast

by blasco
WinToolsXP freeware : quick and easy access to Windows XP's built-in system utilities WinToolsXP is a freeware application that provides quick and easy access to Windows XP’s built-in system utilities such as Command Prompt, Device Manager, Disk Cleanup, Registry Editor, User Accounts, and more - from one convenient spot

tout le gratuit du net : WinToolsXP freeware : quick and easy access to Windows XP's built-in system utilities

by blasco
WinToolsXP freeware : quick and easy access to Windows XP's built-in system utilities

FAQ Windows XP

by imer
Les FAQ en francais sur windows XP avec des liens vers d'autre FAQ du monde microsoft

Windows XP - hotfixes post SP2

by kuruzman
les hotfixes pour windows, sans passer par windows update...

December 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag xp

Anti +   beta +   fichiers +   flux +   fonctions +   internet +   microsoft +   partage +   phishing +   rss +   telechargement +   web +   windows +