public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag workflow

August 2010

Using Git Branches as Patches // Kyle Slattery

by ghis
Use git branches as patches: if you have a master and a dev branches, create a new X branch from master (the prod branch), commit, merge into dev with the --no-ff option, and when if it works as expected, merge the X branch into the master.

Using Git to maintain your blog | Mate-driven development

by ghis (via)
Basic workflow for maintaining a blog using Git: a local repository, a remote repository (and a bare) and some hooks to sync the repos and generate the blog.

July 2010

Welcome | Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow | dpBestflow

by ghis & 1 other (via)
dpBestflow™ is the new guide for every aspect of digital imaging technology from ASMP, the leader in education for the professional photographer.

Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow | dpBestflow

by nhoizey & 1 other
"guidelines for refined production workflows, archiving methods, and best practices for digital photography based on a variety of capture methods and intended image use"

May 2010

Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à

by HK
Un projet de mise en oeuvre d’un progiciel de Gestion des Processus Métier (BPM – Workflow) fait appel à beaucoup de rigueur et de méthode comme tout projet informatique, il se doit aussi d’éviter quelques erreurs qui peuvent le faire basculer du mode « succès » au mode « échec cuisant ». Parmi ces erreurs, et au fil du temps et des projets que j’ai pu suivre, j’ai relevé quelques points récurrents que je vous soumets ci-dessous.

Fundamentals of Web Publishing

by HK
Put it all together. Then start over!

Digital Storytelling: A Tutorial in 10 Easy Steps

by HK
Expert tips on creating a polished, professional digital video

April 2010

March 2010

February 2010

January 2010

6 Web Design Workflows That Work

by nhoizey
"articles about web design work flow which is very important for every team or individual to work effectively. Sometimes they look very scientific, but there will be good theoretical advice that might help"

Searching for Emails in Thunderbird

by sylvainulg (via)

December 2009

September 2009

August 2009

Accueil / News

by greut & 2 others

Le but de l’IILaR est de promouvoir la méthodologie de La RACHE. La RACHE, solution globale de génie logiciel, est un ensemble de techniques, de méthodes et de bonnes pratiques décrivant - des spécification à la maintenance - comment produire du logiciel dans des conditions à peu près satisfaisantes et approximativement optimales.

July 2009

Rules |

by claire_
The rules modules allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events. It's a replacement with more features for the trigger module in core and the successor of the workflow-ng module. So you can: • send customized mails to notify your users about important changes • build flexible content publishing workflows • create custom redirections, system messages, breadcrumbs, .. • and a lot more....

May 2009

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag workflow

2test +   omnigraffle +   sitemap +   tools +   wireframes +