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April 2007

Analyse forensique d'un système Windows : partie 1

by devloop
Analyse forensic (inforensique) d'un système Windows XP. Première partie.

Sandcat Web Application Security

by lecyborg
Sandcat allows web administrators to perform aggressive and comprehensive scans of an organization's web server to isolate vulnerabilities and identify security holes. The Sandcat scanner requires basic inputs such as host names, start URLs and port numbers to scan a complete web site and test all the web applications for security vulnerabilities.

Change or Reset Any Windows XP Password

by lecyborg
Changer ou remettre à zéro n'importe quel mot de passe sous Windows XP sans être administrateur ou télécharger quelque chose sur la machine. Utilisez Linux si vous voulez quelque chose de sécurisé...

Cain & Abel

by lecyborg & 7 others
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols.

March 2007


by lecyborg & 14 others (via)
Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

by lecyborg & 10 others (via)
# This is a utility to (re)set the password of any user that has a valid (local) account on your NT system. # You do not need to know the old password to set a new one.

Forums: Samba et Active Directory

by lecyborg & 1 other
Un serveur samba doit etre integré au domaine de la meme facon qu'un poste windows : par un administrateur du domaine. Méthode d'ajout dans le domaine. - The online resource for process information!

by jdrsantos & 22 others
Uniblue's free and comprehensive online Process Library resource is for anyone who immediately wants to know the exact nature and purpose of any and every single process that is - or should not be - running on your PC.

February 2007

Windows Server 2003 產品更新套件內容的說明

by realmip
當安全性補充程式、重大更新、更新程式、更新彙總套件、驅動程式或功能封裝安裝 GDR 版本的檔案時,也會將 Hotfix 檔案複製到 %windir%$hf_mig$ 資料夾中。此動作的目的是,當您日後安裝包含這些檔案之較早版本的 Hotfix 或 Service Pack 時,能夠支援適當檔案的遷移。例如,請考量下列案例: 1.您套用一個安全性補充程式,它會安裝版本號碼為 5.2.3790.1000 之 GDR 版本的 File.dll,並且會將版本號碼為 5.2.3790.1001 之 Hotfix 版本的 File.dll 複製到 %windir%$hf_mig$ 資料夾中。

PsGetSid v1.43

by realmip & 1 other
Usage Usage: psgetsid [\computer[,computer[,...] | @file] [-u username [-p password]]] [account|SID] If you want to see a computer's SID just pass the computer's name as a command-line argument. If you want to see a user's SID, name the account (e.g. "administrator") on the command-line and an optional computer name. Specify a user name if the account you are running from doesn't have administrative privileges on the computer you want to query. If you don't specify a password as an option PsGetSid will prompt you for one so that you can type it in without having it echoed to the display.

sID詳解 - 教學 - Terry[一隻耳]@F2BLOG

by realmip
SID也就是安全標識符(Security Identifiers),是標識用戶、組和計算機帳戶的唯一的號碼。在第一次創建該帳戶時,將給網絡上的每一個帳戶發佈一個唯一的 SID。Windows 2000 中的內部進程將引用帳戶的 SID 而不是帳戶的用戶或組名。如果創建帳戶,再刪除帳戶,然後使用相同的用戶名創建另一個帳戶,則新帳戶將不具有授權給前一個帳戶的權力或權限,原因是該帳戶具有不同的 SID 號。安全標識符也被稱為安全 ID 或 SID。

January 2007