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PUBLIC MARKS with tags windows & image

March 2007

Publier simplement vos médias

by Giraultises & 1 other, 1 comment (via)
Izimi est une application à installer sur votre PC. Elle vous permet de publier rapidement toutes sortes de documents sur la Toile. Il suffit de choisir le fichier, remplir une description ou autre texte, un image réduite et le tour est joué.

November 2006

url2jpeg beta

by nhoizey & 1 other
With url2jpeg capture web pages, any size. Save it in a bitmap file or copy it in the clipboard.

October 2006

September 2006

July 2006

WinSnap - makes screenshots better - NTWind Software

by nhoizey & 3 others (via)
WinSnap is a small enhancement utility for taking and editing screenshots. It can easily capture windows of non-rectangular form with the background of your choice, automatically perform simple canvas transformations and coloring effects, add professional smoothing shadows in Photoshop style and more. Also, WinSnap supports variety of image formats and provides advanced auto-save features.

June 2006

April 2006

March 2006

Pixel image editor » Welcome

by fredbird & 3 others
Pixel is a RGB, CMYK and HDR image editing, photo retouching and manipulating program available for many operating systems formerly known as Pixel32. It is available for Windows, Linux, Linspire, MacOSX, BeOS, Zeta, QNX, MorphOS, FreeBSD, eComStation, OS/2, SkyOS and even old plain DOS, for both x86 and PowerPC architectures.

February 2006

GIMP - Cyberbase Draguignan - Association MODE - MODE83 - Réseau ERIC

by remouk & 2 others
Le marché de la photo numérique a connu, ces dernières années une véritable explosion, il est donc normal que les activités traitant de ce théme connaissent un gros succès dans les Espaces Publics Numériques.

January 2006

December 2005

Ambient Design Ltd.

by parmentierf & 12 others (via)
ArtRage is a painting package designed to provide a realistic and fun simulation of using paint on a canvas, along with pens, pencils, crayons, and other tools. ArtRage is available for both Windows and Mac OS X. It can be used with a mouse, but works better if you have a graphics tablet, or even better on a Tablet PC where ArtRage takes advantage of the unique interaction of pen and screen to produce a realistic painting feel. ArtRage is all about playing with paint without the mess, and having fun in the process. You can paint your own image from a blank canvas to completed work, or load in a picture to trace and have the tools pick their colours for you as you paint over it.

November 2005

October 2005


by nhoizey & 1 other
url2bmp est un freeware Windows qui transforme une URL en une image

September 2005

Fractal Explorer

by Riduidel & 2 others
Fractal Explorer is a freeware fractal generator that can produce mysterious and beautiful mathematically-based images. Not just a tool for professionals, FE can provide hours of entertainment for beginners and experts alike !

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag windows

fr +   installation +   scurise +   Visas et Immigration +   zebulon +