public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag wikipedia

17 January 2006


by kalley & 1 other (via)
通过 https 协议直接访问 wikipedia,也可以编辑。 以中文版为例:地址栏中输入 就可以访问中文版。英文版则使用 但是不能显示图像,跨语言的浏览也不行,必须手工修改上面的网址。 - Connecting Wikipedia articles with their locations

by vista & 15 others
Hello, and welcome to Placeopedia, a simple site where you can connect Wikipedia articles with places, and then make use of our database either to browse, or syndicate the whole lot. We hope that lots of people will connect places they know with their corresponding Wikipedia article, and then our syndicated data can be used as a general geographic lookup table for Wikipedia.

16 January 2006

Get 1 Million Plus Wikipedia Articles via RSS with Wikifeeds

by digitalmonkey
"BlinkBits has converted Wikipedia's publicly available xml export into RSS feeds. So now over 1 Million Wikipedia topic titles from 7 different languages are available for you to preview and receive via RSS".

13 January 2006

06 January 2006

Wikipedia as a source for courts decisions -

by digitalmonkey
"And <u>from the point of view of the court</u>, the fact that this source is open to virtually anonymous editing by the general public means that the expertise of its editors is always in question, and its reliability is indeterminable".

05 January 2006

by carolina
Mejorar la Wikipedia y aprender a usarla

04 January 2006

03 January 2006

知識通訊評論 » 網路百科的戰國時代

by phgod

02 January 2006

Wikipedia (zh-cn)

by kalley & 6 others (via)

01 January 2006

31 December 2005

30 December 2005

Wikipedia (zh-cn)

by 1ee & 6 others

29 December 2005

Gollum, the Wikipedia Browser

by onizuka & 23 others (via)
Browser multilingue pour Wikipedia

22 December 2005

*KJ在中文維基百科的日子* -

by vista & 1 other