public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag webmastering

21 June 2006

impenetrable link fader

by beqquadro & 2 others
"This script will "fade" a link (as the mouse cursor hovers over it) from its original colour to a different colour (as defined by "fadeTo"). This colour is customizable and can be any hex colour (eg ffff00 00ff00 348900 etc). The effect works in Opera5.x, Mozilla/Netscape6.x and IE5.x (haven't tested in IE4). Netscape 4 (and other incompatible browsers) will not see the effect, nor will they alert the user with pesky JavaScript error messages."


by beqquadro & 62 others, 3 comments
"Alsacréations est une communauté dédiée à la conception web aux normes, et notamment aux standards W3C, aux feuilles de style CSS, aux langages HTML et XHTML, ainsi qu'à l'accessibilité du Web en général. L'univers Alsacréations est articulé autour de plusieurs parties : un ensemble de cours et de tutoriels, un forum de discussion, une FAQ, un blog communautaire et un service emploi."

a list apart

by beqquadro & 101 others
"Keep your presentation, structure, and behavior from touching. Persuade your boss to hire another webmaster. Make your accessible forms look like a beautiful butterfly."

rss to javascript

by beqquadro & 15 others
"Have you been noticing the growing popularity of RSS, RDF and ATOM feeds? Would you like to easily add them to your web-site to create sticky content thats always updated? Then you've come to the right place, was designed to easily convert any valid RSS, RDF or ATOM feed into easy to implement Javascript. No XML or programming expierence is necessary."

20 June 2006

image & after

by beqquadro & 50 others
"Image*After is a large online free photo collection. You can download and use any image or texture from our site and use it in your own work, either personal or commercial."

open source templates

by beqquadro & 24 others
"If you run a non profit org, and are needing to cut down on the costs associated with website development than you have come to the right place. We offer a wide range of free for personal use or non profit use website templates that are easy to modify and add content to." mp3 player

by beqquadro & 23 others
"Play Tagger allows you to easily play mp3 files directly on your website or blog. Simply include a tiny javascript, and your mp3 links will automatically become playable right on the page. In addition, your visitors will have the opportunity to easily tag and post the mp3 link to This script is extremely lightweight, as is the flash movie that plays on demand."

28 May 2006

25 May 2006

23 May 2006

11 May 2006

10 May 2006

webXadmin - opensource php mysql generic data management

by Mogore & 2 others
Site avec articles intéressants sur PHP/MySQL anglais et en français

John Resig - XPath and CSS Selectors

by Mogore & 2 others
CSS comparé à XPath en matière de sélecteur

09 May 2006

07 May 2006

06 May 2006

01 May 2006

27 April 2006

26 April 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag webmastering

blog +   css +   flash +   fonts +   icons +   images +   javascript +   mac +   statistics +   templates +   web +   web design +