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PUBLIC MARKS with tags webdoc & design

April 2010

January 2010

November 2009

The Whale Hunt / A storytelling experiment / by Jonathan Harris

by HK
Belle navigation paramétrable (en mosaîque, timeline, etc...). On peut imaginer de naviguer entre des videos au lieu de photos : C'est l'histoire d'un garçon qui a ramené 3214 photos de vacances qui se lie comme un beau livre ... interface très impressionnante

June 2009

Andaman Rising: Raising Burmese

by HK
Raising Burmese School is important to Toe Toe's mother. So Rose keeps the 9-year-old’s hair cut and helps with homework. At the first sign of fever, Rose’s hand is the one reaching for Toe Toe's forehead. Yet, Rose is not Toe Toe’s mother. Rose is a teacher at one of the few schools for Burmese children in Thailand. Two years ago, she and her husband welcomed Toe Toe and her brother into their one-room home. The biological parents – old acquaintances from Myanmar – live 1.5 hours away on a rubber plantation with little time to meet the children’s simple needs such as supervision. There is also no school nearby. Through two couples’ sacrifice, two Burmese children now face a brighter future in a foreign land.

April 2009


by HK
Société de développement nouveaux médias

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last mark : 12/04/2010 12:04