public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags webdesign & usability

August 2008

July 2008

June 2008

April 2008

Sketchin |

by simon_bricolo
A swiss company specialized in analysis and design, creating the user experience, interaction design, user testing, interface design

March 2008

February 2008

January 2008

December 2007

Usability Guidelines: Web Design for Users With Disabilities

by nhoizey & 4 others
The retail value of this report is $124, but it is free as our holiday gift to our loyal readers, as our thanks for your support over the years.

9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design In Designing

by etheriau & 5 others
Web design can be deceptively difficult. Getting a design that is both usable and pleasing, delivers information and builds brand, is technically sound and visually coherent...

BBC redesign: tellys have rounded corners, right? : Journal : Mark Boulton

by sbrothier
Dinosaurs designing websites

What strikes me most plainly about this design is how the effect of a big, lumbering organisation can impact on a redesign. A good few months ago, or maybe years, when this proposal was first taking shape, it was probably the time when curved gradients, reflections and like were at the forefront of the ‘web 2.0 aesthetic’. Thing is, it takes any large organisation ages to get their shit together. Which is why designing to visual trends such as this is so risky. If your organisation can’t react quickly enough to keep up, then go the classic design route every time. If you don’t, your design will look dated within months. Or, in this case, even before it’s launched.

Pros and Cons of Rich Media Interactions -

by sbrothier
Bill Scott, the former AJAX Evangelist for Yahoo, recently gave a talk about Rich media interaction - or more precisely the pros and cons of many the modern interaction methods that are being used in today's websites and web applications.

November 2007

Home | Email Standards Project

by sbrothier & 22 others
The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email. Our goal is to help designers understand why web standards are so important for email, while working with email client developers to ensure that emails render consistently. This is a community effort to improve the email experience for both designers and readers alike.

gabyu » Blog Archive » Google China (谷歌) s’essaie à la culture web chinoise

by sbrothier
Depuis ses premiers succès, Google a été l’initiateur de bien des révolutions. Il avait par exemple démontré qu’un site sobre et extremement simple à utiliser en permettait sa rapide adoption par les utilisateurs et ainsi accroitre sa popularité.

Tag Clouds Gallery: Examples And Good Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine

by sbrothier & 6 others
Compared to conventional navigation patterns tag clouds don’t necessarily offer a more convenient and intuitive navigation. However, used properly, they can provide visitors with an instant illustration of the main topics, giving a very specific and precise orientation of the site’s content. Since human beings tend to think in concepts and models, it’s easier to get an idea of presented content if the main concepts are given straight away — in digestible pieces, and prioritized by their weight. In fact, the main advantage of tag clouds lies in their ability to highlight the most important or/and popular subjects dynamically which is not the case in conventional navigation menus.

October 2007

Honeypot Captcha

by Krome & 2 others
I was thinking about alternative ways to block comment spam the other day and it occurred to me that there’s potentially a simpler solution than the Invisible Captcha approach I wrote about.

Honeypot Captcha

by sbrothier & 2 others
I was thinking about alternative ways to block comment spam the other day and it occurred to me that there’s potentially a simpler solution than the Invisible Captcha approach I wrote about.