public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags webdesign & interface

August 2010

Geckoboard - Realtime Business Status Board

by topdos & 4 others
Together at last! Web analytics, CRM, support, infrastructure, project management, sales... all in one place. Geckoboard is a hosted, real-time status board serving up the indicators that matter to you. Finally, a live view on the health of your business!

July 2010

June 2010

March 2010


by topdos & 1 other
We design web applications and native software for Apple devices.

JD’s Blog » Blog Archive » Business porn: the company dashboard

by sbrothier & 2 others
Few people know this, but I absolutely love seeing the dashboard or backend systems of various businesses. Thankfully, in this age of e-businesses they’re becoming more and more prevelant and more and more sexy. I’ve been meaning to post about this in the past but had not got around to it when I spied a hacker news post about the new Panic Status Board. I really recommend reading the thread.

February 2010

jQuery Quicksand plugin

by piouPiouM & 5 others
Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation.

January 2010

:ratio | user experience architects

by simon_bricolo
We help you create intuitive websites or applications and craft enjoyable experiences for your users. Based in Switzerland, we are a small and agile user experience agency. We are passionate about Information Architecture, Usability and Interface Design.

December 2009

Browser Size

by sbrothier & 11 others
Google Browser Size is a visualization of browser window sizes for people who visit Google. For example, the "90%" contour means that 90% of people visiting Google have their browser window open to at least this size or larger.

November 2009


by HK & 5 others
Site de l’agence de design intérieur “Wonderwall” fondée en 2000 par le japonais Masamichi Katayama. Etonnante interface de navigation.

The Turn - Fredo Viola

by HK & 8 others
autre site de l'artiste musicien Fredo viola avec interface interactive experimentale

The Whale Hunt / A storytelling experiment / by Jonathan Harris

by HK
Belle navigation paramétrable (en mosaîque, timeline, etc...). On peut imaginer de naviguer entre des videos au lieu de photos : C'est l'histoire d'un garçon qui a ramené 3214 photos de vacances qui se lie comme un beau livre ... interface très impressionnante

Soleil Noir Studio

by HK & 11 others
Studio de création graphique et multimédia. Actualités, présentation des réalisations et contacts. Paris (75).

Spectra Visual Newsreader |

by HK & 3 others
Browse, play and interact with's spectrum of news. This three-dimensional visualizer features a webcam color sensor, newscollector and 3D automode.