public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web2.0 & bookmarks

January 2007

December 2006

Cloudy tags Social Bookmarking

by RoadRat
This is a collaborative site discover machine. You can offer to our community as many links as you wish.

Bookmarks . fr : gestion et partage de favoris

by stoff & 11 others est un nouveau service, 100% français, de gestion et de partage de favoris.

November 2006


by marcm & 8 others
Stikkit gives you the digital equivalent of a sticky note: the easiest thing you can grab to jot down an idea or reminder. As you type, Stikkit watches for appointments, to-dos, people, bookmarks and more, magically extracting and organizing the important details. It's like having a personal assistant following along after you.

October 2006

Riggin' the Diggin' - Spam for All

by wordyeti
The rise of sites such as Spike the Vote means that the future looks bleak for Digg - or for sites such as this ... so do we have to give up our anonymity on the web - or do we resign ourselves to a future where we have to grit our teeth through an unending avalanche of spam?


by fleuree & 2 others
Free eBay search -- spot online auction fraud and misspelled auctions.

Rapleaf -- Portable Ratings for Buyers and Sellers

by fleuree & 8 others
Nurture your good reputation as a trusted merchant with a Rapleaf profile.

September 2006

Affilimedia Bookmarks

by Ronny & 1 other
Tagg your Favorits with Affilimedia social bookmark host!


by jasonbentley & 4 others
Social bookmarking mashup - browse several social bookmark sites at once


by jasonbentley & 37 others
Displays new bookmarks in real time

August 2006


by discret & 62 others
Une barre stumble s'ajoute à votre navigateur, vous entrez dans une très grande communauté web, des millions de liens sont référencés par les internautes qui marquent leurs liens préférés d'un simple clic sur "i like it !" Vous pouvez cliquer sur stumble ce bouton vous emmène au hasard sur un site sélectionné par les autres et vous découvrez des sites incroyables qui ne sont pas forcement référencés dans les premières page google. Il fonctionne également par tags et vous partagez vos liens sur votre page entièrement éditable.

Deep Quote - Link directly to specific quotes in web pages

by yodalpha & 3 others (via)
Enter some text and the URL of a page containing the text and Deep Quote will return a link that opens directly to your selection and highlights it.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web2.0

ahah +   ajax +   development +   javascript +   microformats +   programming +   xmlhttprequest +