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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web-dev & programming

12 August 2005

Thinking and Making

by xenomorph & 4 others
Best Practices: Implementing javascript for rich internet applications

AjaxTags - Overview

by xenomorph & 14 others
The AJAX Tag Library is a set of JSP tags that simplify the use of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology in JavaServer Pages. AJAX is primarily rooted in JavaScript. However, many server-side developers do not have an extensive knowledge of client-side programming in the browser. It's much easier in some cases for J2EE developers, especially, to simply add a JSP tag to the page to gain the function desired. This tag library fills that need by not forcing J2EE developers to write the necessary JavaScript to implement an AJAX-capable web form. The tag library provides support for live form updates for the following use cases: autocomplete based on character input to an input field, select box population based on selections made from another field, callout or balloon popups for highlighting content, refreshing form fields, and toggling images and form field states on/off. The implementation is a combination of Java classes and JavaScript source files. The Java code should be OS independent as there are no client side components. However, the Java is dependent on JDK 1.4+ and requires a Servlet container to run. The JavaScript should run in at least Firefox 1.0+ and Internet Explorer 5.0+.

06 August 2005 - About Us

by xenomorph
The Mambo Project Team is made up of individuals from the community who create the plans and implement the programming that makes the Mambo system. There are several groups within the Mambo Project Team; Core programming, Maintenance and Documentation. These three areas fill vital roles in developing new directions, maintaining exisiting systems and developing a library of learning materials respectively.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web-dev

design +   opensource +   programming +