public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web-design & css

August 2005

July 2005

Strategies for CSS Switching

by fredbird & 3 others
we will explore different techniques for democratizing our design through the use of style sheet switching. By applying a different CSS file to a markup document, we can drastically change any or all aspects of its design—the layout, typography, or color palette. This technique may hold incredible appeal to designers because it exponentially decreases the amount of overhead required to redesign a site. But, as you’ll see, this technique can wield incredible benefits to our site’s users, allowing them fine-grained control over a page’s presentation and, in turn, better access to the content therein.

Complex Dynamic Lists: Your Order Please: A List Apart

by fredbird & 5 others
In our struggle to reduce the number of steps site visitors must take to accomplish their goals, we face a number of challenges. One of them is to provide a good way for users to choose from a list of hierarchical elements. For example, a list that serves as a diner menu, offering a selection of drinks, main dishes, salads, and desserts.

May 2005

Content with Style: A CSS Framework

by fredbird & 20 others
a CSS framework, allowing rapid development of sites with pre-written and tested components. All that's really required to produce this is a set of naming conventions and a flexible base template...


by link-devblog & 2 others (via)
Développeur multimédia à Toulouse, weblog personnel, CV, XHTML, CSS, PHP, Photographies et humeurs diverses

April 2005

Coudal Partners

by akamac
Just a cool site that I like


by stoto98 & 2 others
Développeur multimédia à Toulouse, weblog personnel, CV, XHTML, CSS, PHP, Photographies et humeurs diverses

<select> Something New Part 1

by fredbird & 12 others (via)
une idée débile d'emulation des &lt;select&gt; par des &lt;ul&gt;+javascript. Alors qu'il suffit de styler le select...

by tisseurdetoile & 4 others (via)
Pensées, réflexions et analyses sur la conception, le web, l'XHTML/CSS par Clément Hardoüin

by fredbird & 4 others
Pensées, réflexions et analyses sur la conception, le web, l'XHTML/CSS par Clément Hardoüin


by fredbird & 44 others
"SimpleBits is a tiny web design studio that creates simple, readable, usable interfaces balanced with a standards-based methodology. Founded by web designer and author, Dan Cederholm."


by fredbird & 47 others
"A design consultancy based in San Francisco, California, Stopdesign specializes in a simple, beautiful aesthetic, balance of form and function, and highly flexible design."

March 2005

Hybrid CSS Dropdowns: A List Apart

by fredbird & 13 others (via)
Yup. It's yet another CSS dropdown article -- but one that resolves many problems associated with common dropdown methods and degrades beautifully. Hybrid CSS dropdowns allow access to all pages, keep the user aware of where she is within the site, and are clean and light to boot. It's a tasty little vitamin pill, so quit sighing and try it.

by olarriga & 105 others, 1 comment
Site offrant à la fois un regard expert sur le web et des exemples concrets d'utilisation des normes du W3C.

Creating accessible bar charts - Standards-schmandards

by fredbird & 4 others
In this short article we'll have a look at why image based charts are bad and what you can do about it. Bar charts are used to give the user a visual overview of how values for something relate to each other. It also enables users to make their own comparisons of data items. : le web design puisé à la source

by fredbird & 75 others, 2 comments
Pompage a été créé [...] pour répondre à un besoin évident parmi la communauté francophone du web design : rattraper un retard important en matière de connaissance des dernières techniques.

by fredbird & 105 others, 1 comment
Site offrant à la fois un regard expert sur le web et des exemples concrets d'utilisation des normes du W3C.

January 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web-design

***to-read*** +   ajax + + +   journals +   my-blogs-to-read* +   people +   text +   textile +   web-development +   web-services +   web2.0 +   wordpress +