public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & standards

August 2009

July 2009

Web Design — Tips and advice on web standards development

by -Nicolas- (via)
Web Design+ est un récapitulatif de bonnes pratiques concernant la création web. Quel doctype choisir, comment améliorer l’accessibilité d’un site, quelles sont les bonnes habitudes lorsqu’on créé un formulaire, quel CSS-reset choisir, etc…

HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML 5 today

by ghis & 2 others
Blog pour aider à utiliser dès à présent HTML5.

June 2009

@font-face: The Potential of Web Typography

by ghis & 1 other
How can @font-face be used with currently implemented CSS selectors to create engaging, nuanced and more mature typography? Let's find out.

May 2009

Le Blog de Dailymotion » Archive du blog » La video … sans player Flash

by naudjf & 1 other, 1 comment (via)
PS: Venez nous voir à la Conférence Open Video à New York du 19 au 21 juin 2009 pour parler de formats videos ouverts et de standards web !

April 2009

Introduction à WAI ARIA (traduction) | Les intégristes

by piouPiouM & 9 others
Traduction de l’article “Introduction to WAI ARIA“, publié par Gez Lemon sur Dev Opera, le site d’Opera Software destiné aux développeurs.

Actu des navigateurs et des standards du Web - Standblog

by srcmax (via)

Starting on or about the third week of April, users still running IE6 or IE7 on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008 will get will get a notification through Automatic Update about IE8. This rollout will start with a narrow audience and expand over time to the entire user base. On Windows XP and Server 2003, the update will be High-Priority. On Windows Vista and Server 2008 it will be Important. IE8 will not automatically install on machines. Users must opt-in to install IE8. Users will see a Welcome screen that offers choices: Ask later, install now, or don’t install.

March 2009

Charte ergonomique |

by julie & 4 others

La charte ergonomique des sites internet publics a pour objet de définir un ensemble de règles ergonomiques communes aux interfaces des sites Internet publics. Elle s’inscrit dans le respect des standards du Word Wide Web Consortium (W3C) et des principes des référentiels généraux d’interopérabilité (RGI), d’accessibilité (RGAA) et de sécurité (RGS).

February 2009

January 2009

December 2008

W3C Validators in Jeopardy

by philippej (via)

La collecte s'impose...

"That we’ve had the use of validation tools via the W3C for so long and without cost has been a significant component in the teaching and evangelism surrounding Web standards and best practices. To lose these tools would impact that message, not to mention take a certain amount of quality assurance away from the process."

November 2008

htmlwrapper - Google Code

by camel & 2 others (via)
Wrapper is a cross-browser compliant HTML/CSS rendering engine written in ActionScript that sits on top of your standards compliant HTML page. Wrapper eliminates cross-browser issues and makes integrating ActionScript and HTML/CSS projects possible without needing to compile. Wrappers strives to answer the most common problems web designers face without forcing them to learn too many new things. Most web sites can be created in HTML or CSS, then when you need to extend Wrapper's capabilities you can either use JSON to call functions within ActionScript or you can load compiled plug-ins. Wrapper also has built in methods within CSS to load custom fonts, display elements as any shape, and fill them with linear or radial gradient background colors. ActionScript's event model is also implemented within Wrapper's HTML. Wrapper's best features are the ones that you get for free because of how it is set up. It's like getting all the great features of the Flash Player without needing to deal with compiling and being able to create your content the same way any HTML page would be created. Wrapper is fully accessible to the search engines and integrates well with any back-end technology. Wrapper is currently released as a fully functional open source beta for Flash Player 9. Wrapper is set up as a pre-compiled plug-in but can easily be integrated into any Flex or AIR applications or even as an ActionScript framework for creation of compiled projects.

October 2008

September 2008

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