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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & mongodb

June 2010

Why does Quora use MySQL rather than NoSQLs?

by nhoizey
"The primary online data store for an application is the worst place to take a risk with new technology. If you lose your database or there's corruption, it's a disaster that could be impossible to recover from."

mnutt/hummingbird @ GitHub

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Hummingbird lets you see how visitors are interacting with your website in real time, using WebSockets. Hummingbird is built on top of Node.js, a new javascript web toolkit that can handle large amounts of traffic and many concurrent users.

April 2010

Create a Simple App with Django and MongoDB: Part 1 - Reza Muhammad

by ghis
Beginning of a tutorial on how to create a simple app with Django and MongoDB.

March 2010

Developing scalable PHP applications using MongoDB - PHP Classes blog - PHP Classes

by ghis
Nowadays there is a new kind of databases that is getting very popular, specially for Web development, including the PHP world, which are the NoSQL databases. This article focus specifically on MongoDB, despite there are several other NoSQL database implementations.

Active users

last mark : 30/06/2010 10:36

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 30/06/2010 10:13

last mark : 26/04/2010 12:30