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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & media



by Whiz (via)
Where you can actually find The OFFICIAL Whiz Community Web Site. Myspaces is youthful and full of entertainment and information for Whiz! The OFFICIAL WHIZ COMMUNITY Web Site, was started to search and find other Genuine, Official Whiz's. So very few have been found to date. The next choice was honorary Whiz's and Whizette's. Looking for the Whiz for ever, look no further. Yea, I know a lot of you are Looking for him and finding a lot of IRRELEVENT results for Whiz! Sorry about that. His name seems to be very popular. But you won't find any of those wanna-bee/fake Whizs' here. And you won't find many of those cheesy, cheese, gee, golly, nerds here either. This site is for all of us Whiz Fans, to get together and maybe find some information on "The OFFICIAL WHIZ"! Yes people are actualy making Official community "Whiz Fan Clubs" now!

The OFFICIAL Whiz COMMUNITY Web Site on Flickr

by Whiz (via)
Only a few places to Find An OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC Whiz on the web. One of them is on! So many wanna-Bees and FAKEs, so few to be like HIM. There may be WHIZETTES, but NO WHIZ. Most of them went to some school to imulate a whiz, but we know a whiz is ALWAYS a natural and he ALWAYs is adaptable at more than just one subject, give me a break! Looking for the Whiz for ever, look no further. Yea, I know a lot of you are Looking for him and finding a lot of IRRELEVENT results for Whiz! Sorry about that. His name seems to be very popular. But you won't find any of those wanna-bee/fake Whizs' here. And you won't find many of those cheesy, cheese, gee, golly, nerds here either. This site is for all of us Whiz Fans, to get together and maybe find some information on "The OFFICIAL WHIZ"! Yes people are actualy making Official community "Whiz Fan Clubs" now!

comalab emotional research^sensitive consulting

by feelfrash
Comalab emotional research ^ sensitive consulting comalab is a visual communications agency that elevates communication through creativity. Our focus is providing high-quality, high-communicative graphic design with personal client service. we work for Walt Disney, LG, IED, Mediaset, RTI...and much more

XHTML Media Types

by communismisdead
This document summarizes the best current practice for using various Internet media types for serving various XHTML Family documents. In summary, 'application/xhtml+xml' SHOULD be used for XHTML Family documents, and the use of 'text/html' SHOULD be limited to HTML-compatible XHTML 1.0 documents. 'application/xml' and 'text/xml' MAY also be used, but whenever appropriate, 'application/xhtml+xml' SHOULD be used rather than those generic XML media types.


by slogoo & 4 others
Inform1. 网站不再使用pop-up, 使界面很清爽, 2. 新增了视频和音频的内容 3. 新增了"Top Channel"功能, 允许对新闻进行深层挖掘

Glide Effortless ~ Discover the Magic of Compatibility and Integration

by slogoo & 12 others
Glide Effortless是一个可以上传各类文件的服务平台. 相片, MP3, 视频, 文字, PPT和PDF文件均可上传. 上传的用户可以对这些内容拥有完全的控制权, 文件一经上传, 系统就马上将其转换成在线的预览

Ourmedia Homepage | Ourmedia

by slogoo & 30 others
OurMedia免费存储各类视频, 音频, 图片, 文本, 甚至软件的平台. - Live from the Web | Search & Read official Music News - Band Directory - Archive

by slogoo & 4 others
搜索和阅读最新的音乐新闻的站点. 从官方音乐站点和杂志收集各类最新的音乐新闻, 以便用户可以在同一个页面上阅读这些新闻.

Welcome To Grouper

by slogoo & 25 others
无缝导入,编辑和共享你的视频文件的平台. v2.0的Grouper, 只适用于Windows系统, 要求下载一个客户端, 可以无限量上传图片和视频文件, 任何内容可以被设置成公开, 私密或对特定人群开放. 内容发布

Truveo Video Search

by slogoo & 16 others
TRUVEO是一个去年9月推出的媒体搜索引擎, 可以快速收录媒体内容, 如视频和音频内容. 已被AOL收购

Newsvine - Get Smarter Here

by slogoo & 49 others
Newsvine正式上线. Newsvine集合了其他类似网站如Digg等的优秀功能, 同时具有聊天&评论的功能. 用户在上面有很好的社会性新闻的体验. 网站同时还在计划与新闻提供者进行收入分享的机制.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

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