public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & desktop

July 2006

May 2006

voo2do : simple, beautiful web-based to-do lists

by slogoo & 52 others
你可以利用voo2do做到以下几点:# 组织计划任务# 跟踪时间并提醒# 通过email添加任务 # 发布任务# 像纸一样简单易用# 有好的AJAX界面# 提供API# 改进个人生产力

Ideas, Passion & Happiness

by slogoo & 3 others
Wrickr又一个基于Ajax的桌面首页, 创始人在其blog中声称, Wrickr很象Google Personalized, 但比Google/ig要强很多.

goowy media home

by slogoo & 9 others
在线工具箱,非同一般,全部Flash ^^,很漂亮不说,而且登陆后界面很像MacOS。 设置:可以自己订制界面背景,并且可以上传桌面背景图上去。可以定制默认的字体。 服务:联系人服务:可以从

April 2006

Intenet Evolution Thought

by z0man
Yet another interesting read on they they internet suddenly changed the way we look at it.

MP:Blog - AJAX Web-Desktop Netvibes bringt neue Features

Netvibes hat seine Funktionen in den letzten Monaten kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt...

March 2006

February 2006

Better Desktop

by sunny & 2 others
Project dedicated to sharing usability data with Linux developers


by fleuree
KlipFolio is a personal dashboard that uses Klips to intelligently monitor remote data sources -- such as weather, stocks, Hotmail, news, RSS feeds and even auctions...

December 2005

November 2005


by Garko & 31 others
velopers to create applications with the rich user interface capabilities of desktop client software and the instantaneous no-download Web deployment of HTML. These applications run on all leading Web browsers on all leading desktop operating systems from a single XML code base. Earthlink, Yahoo, Behr Paint, La Quinta and many others rely on OpenLaszlo to deliver state-of-the-art applications serving millions of users. The OpenLaszlo platform is

October 2005

September 2005