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30 December 2009

CSS Cheat Sheet » Poeticpixel

by nhoizey
"The CSS cheat sheet is a two page reference sheet, listing all selectors and properties. It includes an example of box model, unit reference for CSS units and the various media types CSS makes allowance for."

22 December 2009

21 December 2009

Les standards HTML et CSS des origines à mercredi dernier

by nhoizey
"HTML et CSS : d'où ils viennent, comment ils sont apparus et pourquoi il faut du champagne cher pour les faire évoluer

17 December 2009

HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet (Reloaded) –

by nhoizey
"This cheat sheet is essentially a simple visual grid that contains a list of all HTML tags and of their related attributes supported by HTML 5"

16 December 2009

SlickMap CSS — A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers

by nhoizey
"SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying finished sitemaps directly from HTML unordered list navigation. It’s suitable for most web sites – accommodating up to three levels of page navigation and additional utility links – and can easily be customized to meet your own individual needs, branding, or style preferences."

Notable | Easiest way for teams to provide feedback on websites.

by nhoizey & 6 others
"Quickly and easily give feedback on design, content, and code on any page of a website or application without leaving your browser. Works on iPhone, too!"

08 December 2009

03 December 2009

02 December 2009

Yahoo! Mobile - Yahoo! Developer Network

by nhoizey
"With Yahoo! Blueprint 1.1, it has never been easier to build rich, compelling mobile services in record time. Blueprint 1.1 allows you to use simple XML to create applications, sites and widgets that run on thousands of mobile devices."

Fixed Floating Elements | jQuery for Designers

by nhoizey
Comment faire des éléments qui bougent avec le reste du contenu, mais ne sortent pas si on scrolle trop. Mis en œuvre sur le menu de pour une meilleure ergonomie !

30 November 2009

Web Designer Notebook » How to use Modernizr

by nhoizey
Modernizr doesn’t actually magically enable CSS3 properties for browsers that don’t support them. It just tells the page whether that feature is supported on the browser the visitor is using or not.

27 November 2009 » The Real “Why XHTML” Discussion

by nhoizey
"Molly Holzschlag asked me if I’d try and clearly and simply explain why XML parsing is advantageous and why XHTML still is relevant. This was my answer."

23 November 2009

17 November 2009

jQuery Flash Plugin » Javascript

by nhoizey
"Inspiré par SWFObject, UFO et sIFR, jQuery Flash Plugin a été complètement réécrit via jQuery pour éviter les redondances telles que recherche des éléments par leurs sélecteurs, la détection du navigateur, détection de Flash et améliorer les temps de chargement (si vous utilisez déjà jQuery, bien entendu)"

10 November 2009

DesignSvn - Subversion for Designers

by nhoizey
"DesignSvn is an application created for designers and graphic artists to easily share their concepts and refer back to older revisions. Keep your projects organized in one central place and gather feedback from your clients as you progress."

05 November 2009

ImageOptim - a PNG/JPEG graphics optimizer for Mac OS X

by nhoizey & 2 others
"ImageOptim is a front-end (GUI) for set of tools for optimisation of PNG/JPEG images and GIF animations. Optimisation makes files smaller (in terms of disk space) by finding optimal compression parameters and by removing unneccessary information, like file comments, EXIF tags and color profiles."

Charte ergonomique |

by nhoizey & 4 others
"La charte ergonomique des sites internet publics a pour objet de définir un ensemble de règles ergonomiques communes aux interfaces des sites Internet publics. Elle s’inscrit dans le respect des standards du Word Wide Web Consortium (W3C) et des principes des référentiels généraux d’interopérabilité (RGI), d’accessibilité (RGAA) et de sécurité (RGS)."

04 November 2009

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