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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & chat

September 2006

A day in the life with Geesee

by geesee
How will a day with Geesee look like in a short time.

Why did we come up with a name like Geesee?

by geesee
Geesee is the phonetic spelling of GC. GC is an abbreviation of the words Global Chat. So it should be pronounced – the way you would say the letters “GC”: Jisi. At least that’s the way we like to pronounce it.

Geesee Promotion Banners

by geesee
If you think Geesee is remarkable, you can help us promote Geesee by placing this banner on your website.

by sanne & 2 others, 1 comment
eBuddy is a web application that enables you to chat with your MSN, AOL and Yahoo buddies without having to install any program or Java applet. To use the web version of eBuddy, all you need is a JavaScript enabled browser on your computer and it works even if you are behind a firewall. If you are on the road, you can use the mobile version of eBuddy to chat with your buddies. Every mobile device that supports xHTML or WAP can be used.

August 2006

July 2006

Business group chat: Campfire

by parmentierf & 12 others (via)
Campfire lets you set up password-protected web-based chat rooms in just seconds. Invite a client, colleague, or vendor to chat, collaborate, and make decisions. Set up a room on your intranet for internal communications.

June 2006


by parmentierf & 6 others (via)
php Free Chat is a free, simple to install, fast, customizable and multi languages chat that uses a simple filesystem for message and nickname storage. It uses AJAX to smoothly refresh (no flicker) and display the chat zone and the nickname zone. It supports customized themes based on CSS and a plugin system that allows you to write your own storage routines (ex: Mysql, IRC backends ...), and you own chat commands !

May 2006

by slogoo & 27 others
e-messenger推出了基于Ajax的一项应用, 推出之后, emessenger看上去更像我们平常使用的IM的客户端(其实是纯web的), 虽然我们只要对Meebo的页面进行大小调节就能得到同样的视觉效果.

9cays: Take the pain out of group email

by slogoo & 7 others
9cays是一个群组对话的工具. 对话可以在用户的web页面上阅览和管理. 以前的群组讨论, 用户会使用邮件抄送的形式. 9cays就是替代了邮件抄送, 直接让参与讨论的每个人在网页上直接参与讨论.

April 2006

March 2006

by ycc2106 & 5 others
Online chat service for MSN Yahoo...


by parnold50 & 3 others (via)
Web-based chat: MSN AOL Yahoo! MSN BETA

IMVU home page - Can your IM do this?

by ycc2106
3D instant messenger with 3D seens, 3Davatars...and purchasable pets, objects...


by ycc2106 & 3 others
Web-based chat: MSN AOL Yahoo! MSN BETA

eMessenger: mobile

by ycc2106
Mobile chat: MSN AOL Yahoo! MSN BETA

by metropol & 1 other (via)
Meebo is an AJAX-based chat client with which you can use AIM, Google Talk, Jabber, ICQ, and more. A great aqua-like interface and the ability to do all of this without technology such as Java is a real asset when on the go. No refreshing occurs while dragging around IM windows or viewing your friend’s information. The chat works great, too, and is perfect for people who are not allowed to install chat clients on work computers. You can even set messages away and leave your browser window open. It’s a very valuable tool that won’t leave any breadcrumbs, letting people know you were chatting it up.