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August 2008

Installing ModSecurity2 On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 2 others
This article shows how to install and configure ModSecurity (version 2) for use with Apache2 on a Debian Etch system. ModSecurity is an Apache module that provides intrusion detection and prevention for web applications. It aims at shielding web applications from known and unknown attacks, such as SQL injection attacks, cross-site scripting, path traversal attacks, etc. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

July 2008

Apache / Sling : développer en Java pour le Web - Journal du Net > Développeurs

by parmentierf
Apache annonce la sortie d'Apache Sling : un framework Web Open Source pour rendre le développement Java plus ludique et faciliter son utilisation. Sling permet de développer de multiples types d'application Web, y compris des blogs et des wiki. Sling fournit un fichier JAR (Java Archive) pour aider à démarrer avec le framework. Il aide à l'implémentation d'applications gérant du contenu sous une architecture RESTful. Il fournit une plate-forme pour mettre à jour les données et gérer leur accès.

June 2008

How To Set Up A Loadbalanced High-Availability Apache Cluster Based On Ubuntu 8.04 LTS | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
This tutorial shows how to set up a two-node Apache web server cluster that provides high-availability. In front of the Apache cluster we create a load balancer that splits up incoming requests between the two Apache nodes. Because we do not want the load balancer to become another "Single Point Of Failure", we must provide high-availability for the load balancer, too. Therefore our load balancer will in fact consist out of two load balancer nodes that monitor each other using heartbeat, and if one load balancer fails, the other takes over silently.


by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
Yaws is a HTTP high perfomance 1.1 webserver particularly well suited for dynamic-content webapplications, written in Erlang.

May 2008

April 2008

Installer Passenger mod_rails sous Debian : Ergonomie, Rails et Architecture de l'information web (2.0)

by parmentierf
L’absence sous Apache d’un modrails comme il existe un modphp y était certainement pour beaucoup, jusqu’à la sortie hier de Passenger, aussi appelé modrails.

htaccess Generator

by parmentierf & 35 others
Un générateur de fichiers .htaccess pour apache. Permet entre autre de gérer le rewrite_mod.

[Tutos] Administration de serveurs dédiés - Blog Alsacréations : XHTML, CSS et Standards web

by camel & 4 others
Un ensemble de nouveaux tutoriels a été mis en ligne cette semaine pour inaugurer une nouvelle thématique : L'administration de serveurs dédiés. En effet, les hébergements dédiés sont devenus monnaie courante, et il est fréquent de devoir plonger les mains dans le cambouis. Ces tutoriels ont pour but de servir de feuille de route à la mise en place d'un serveur web sous Apache assorti de PHP et MySQL, ainsi que de services mail et ftp. Des conseils en matière de monitoring, de sauvegarde et de sécurité complètent le tour d'horizon. Deux d'entre eux abordent également de façon rapide l'installation du webmail Roundcube et du panel de gestion DTC pour contrôler plus efficacement les services évoqués précédemment dans le cas d'un hébergement multi-domaines.

Logmonster FAQ - The Network People, Inc.

by camel
Typical Scenario: You have a web server that serves your domain. You write a simple script to restart apache each night and pipe the logs off to your analyzer. It works. ISP/Hosting Scenario: Each server hosts many domains. You may also have load balanced servers (multiple machines) serving each domain. A tool like this is necessary to: 1. collect all the log files from each server 2. split the logs based on the virtual host(s) 3. discard invalid entries (phishing, referrer spam, etc) 4. sort them into chronological order 5. feed logs into analyzer 6. do something with the raw logs (compress, save to vhost dir, etc) [edit]

Loadbalanced High-Availability Apache Cluster Using Ultramonkey

by camel
how to set up a two-node Apache web server cluster that provides high-availability. In front of the Apache cluster we create a load balancer that splits up incoming requests between the two Apache nodes. Because we do not want the load balancer to become another "Single Point Of Failure", we must provide high-availability for the load balancer, too. Therefore our load balancer will in fact consist out of two load balancer nodes that monitor each other using heartbeat, and if one load balancer fails, the other takes over silently.

March 2008

Use Server Cache Control to Improve Performance - apache web server settings for optimized caching with configuration files

by korbinus & 3 others
Caching is the temporary storage of frequently accessed data in higher speed media (typically SRAM or RAM) for more efficient retrieval. Web caching stores frequently used objects closer to the client through browser, proxy, or server caches. By storing "fresh" objects closer to your users, you avoid round trips to the origin server, reducing bandwidth consumption, server load, and most importantly, latency. This article shows how to configure your Apache server for more efficient caching to save bandwidth and improve performance. Caching is not just for static sites, even dynamic sites can benefit from caching. Graphics and multimedia typically don't change as frequently as (X)HTML files. Graphics that seldom change like logos, headers, and navigation can be given longer expiration times while resources that change more frequently like XHTML and XML files can be given shorter expiration times. By designing your site with caching in mind, you can target different classes of resources to give them different expiration times with only a few lines of code.

Use Server Cache Control to Improve Performance - apache web server settings for optimized caching with configuration files

by camel & 3 others
Caching is the temporary storage of frequently accessed data in higher speed media (typically SRAM or RAM) for more efficient retrieval. Web caching stores frequently used objects closer to the client through browser, proxy, or server caches. By storing "fresh" objects closer to your users, you avoid round trips to the origin server, reducing bandwidth consumption, server load, and most importantly, latency. This article shows how to configure your Apache server for more efficient caching to save bandwidth and improve performance. Caching is not just for static sites, even dynamic sites can benefit from caching. Graphics and multimedia typically don't change as frequently as (X)HTML files. Graphics that seldom change like logos, headers, and navigation can be given longer expiration times while resources that change more frequently like XHTML and XML files can be given shorter expiration times. By designing your site with caching in mind, you can target different classes of resources to give them different expiration times with only a few lines of code.

La diffusion d’OpenLiberty-J a commencé (TOOLinux)

by camel
La communauté élabore actuellement un code open source visant à optimiser la sécurité et la confidentialité dans les services Web et les applications Web 2.0. Le code source d’OpenLiberty-J peut être téléchargé librement sur est une communauté de développeurs formée en janvier 2007 pour coordonner les synergies et les travaux de la Liberty Alliance. Elle regroupe des acteurs comme AOL, HP, Intel, Internet2, Sun Microsystems, Symlabs et la communauté OpenSAM. confirme aujourd’hui la diffusion d’OpenLiberty-J, une bibliothèque client Liberty Web Services (ID-WSF 2.0) open source conçue pour "faciliter le développement et accélérer le déploiement d’applications Web 2.0 standardisées et sécurisées." Diffusé aujourd’hui en version beta sous la licence Apache 2.0, le code OpenLiberty-J peut être examiné et téléchargé sur OpenLiberty-J permet aux développeurs d’applications d’incorporer les fonctions du standard Identity Web Services Framework de Liberty Alliance dans des applications consommatrices d’identité telles que celles présentes dans les architectures orientées services (SOA) d’entreprise, les environnements de réseau social Web 2.0 et les applications client sur les PC et appareils mobiles.

February 2008

Manage Apache Download Speed And Traffic Limits With mod_cband | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 2 others
In this tutorial I will describe how to install and configure mod_cband on an Apache2 web server. mod_cband is an Apache 2 module which provides bandwidth quota and throttling. It solves the problem of limiting users' and virtualhosts' bandwidth usage. The current version can set virtualhosts' and users' bandwidth quotas, maximal download speed, requests-per-second speed and the maximal number of simultanous IP connections.

htaccess Caching

by camel & 2 others
This article shows 2 awesome ways to implement caching on your website using Apache .htaccess (httpd.conf) files on the Apache Web Server. Both methods are extremely simple to set up and will dramatically speed up your site!

Howto: Performance Benchmarks a Web server

by camel & 2 others
You can benchmark Apache, IIS and other web server with apache benchmarking tool called ab. Recently I was asked to performance benchmarks for different web servers. It is true that benchmarking a web server is not an easy task. From how to benchmark a web server, “First, benchmarking a web server is not an easy thing. To benchmark a web server the time it will take to give a page is not important: you don’t care if a user can have his page in 0.1 ms or in 0.05 ms as nobody can have such delays on the Internet.

Setting Up A High-Availability Load Balancer (With Failover and Session Support) With HAProxy/Heartbeat On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other
This article explains how to set up a two-node load balancer in an active/passive configuration with HAProxy and heartbeat on Debian Etch. The load balancer sits between the user and two (or more) backend Apache web servers that hold the same content. Not only does the load balancer distribute the requests to the two backend Apache servers, it also checks the health of the backend servers. If one of them is down, all requests will automatically be redirected to the remaining backend server. In addition to that, the two load balancer nodes monitor each other using heartbeat, and if the master fails, the slave becomes the master, which means the users will not notice any disruption of the service. HAProxy is session-aware, which means you can use it with any web application that makes use of sessions (such as forums, shopping carts, etc.). From the HAProxy web site: "HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. Supporting tens of thousands of connections is clearly realistic with todays hardware. Its mode of operation makes its integration into existing architectures very easy and riskless, while still offering the possibility not to expose fragile web servers to the Net."

Globule: the Open-Source Content Distribution Network

by camel & 1 other
Globule is a third-party module for the Apache Web server that allows a given server to replicate its documents to other Globule servers. It takes care of maintaining consistency between the replicas, of monitoring the servers, and of automatically redirecting clients to one of the available replicas. Globule also supports the replication of PHP documents. It runs on Unix and Windows systems.

Le tuning Apache pour augmenter les performances de votre application web : Ergonomie, Rails et Architecture de l'information web (2.0)

by camel & 1 other
Les problèmes de montée en charge sont choses courantes pour un site ou une application web une fois atteint un certain succès. Ces derniers sont bien trop souvent négligés, généralement jusqu’au jour où se trouve atteinte la limite critique entre l’inconfort et l’instabilité. Le trend actuel veut qu’il soit à la fois plus simple et moins cher de rajouter des machines que de reprendre son code en profondeur pour l’optimiser. Encore faut-il que l’application permette un redimensionnement de ce genre sans rentrer dans une phase de refactoring complet. Évidemment, avant d’en arriver à une solution aussi lourde, il vaut mieux s’assurer que tout a été fait pour exploiter au mieux les ressources disponibles, et cela passe notamment par un peu d’optimisation côté serveur.

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