public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag w3c

January 2011

December 2010

October 2010

IE 9 does not resize text sized in pixels | 456 Berea Street

by Monique
It would be great if IE behaved the same way as other browsers.

July 2010

XHTML Flavors comparisons

by Monique
This table compares the elements and attributes present in various mobile flavors of XHTML with the ones in XHTML 1.0 strict.

June 2010

Growing pains afflict HTML5 standardization

by marco
"In practice I have no power whatsoever, even in the WHATWG: I am totally at the mercy of implementors," he said, adding that the same is true of the W3C's HTML work.

RGAA - Accessibilité pour les Administrations

by astrochoupe
Présentation du Référentiel Général d'Accessibilité pour les Administrations

Problems with Using Website Validation Services

by Monique
This article aims to underpin the inherent issues of validating your websites through automated web services/tools and how using these tools to meet certain requirements can miss the point entirely.

May 2010

April 2010

HTML WG F2F meeting, Nov 1-5 at TPAC 2010, Lyon, France

by tehu
2 semaines après Paris-Web. y'a ptêt moyen d'inviter du people...

March 2010

Last Week in HTML5: mission accomplished II

by marco
When he's not busy rewriting the web in his own image, Hixie can be found singing his heart out at the King of Clubs in mountain view.

Internet Explorer 9: Testing Center

by Spone (via)
This website contains several collections of test pages that were developed in conjunction with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) working groups. These tests make it possible to validate a browser's compliance with specific web standards.

HTML WG Working Drafts have been published

by marco
From Maciej Stachowiak on 2010-03-04 ([email protected] from March 2010)

February 2010

How Sir Tim Berners-Lee cut the Gordian Knot of HTML5

by marco
"I agree with the WG chairs that these items -- data and canvas – are reasonable areas of work for the group. It is appropriate for the group to publish documents in this area."

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag w3c

*** +   css +   documentation/en +   forum +   standards +   svg +   wcag +   web +   webdesign +   xhtml +