public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag w3c

June 2009

Un h1 pour le logo ou pas ? | bbxdesign

by Spone
A la question “Est-ce que je mets un h1 pour mon logo ?”, je répondais oui avant. Maintenant, je réponds non.

W3C Schools

by sdaclin & 83 others
Excellent site pour les développeurs web désireux d'approfondir leur connaissances autour de ce média.

May 2009

HTML 5 differences from HTML 4

by tehu & 3 others
W3C working draft / Anne van Kesteren

Form content types – Line breaks

by piouPiouM
Définition des retours à la ligne pour le contenu des formulaires

April 2009

Introduction à WAI ARIA (traduction) | Les intégristes

by piouPiouM & 9 others
Traduction de l’article “Introduction to WAI ARIA“, publié par Gez Lemon sur Dev Opera, le site d’Opera Software destiné aux développeurs.

March 2009

HTML5 Evolution

by xibe & 1 other

Google’s role is not free from the perception of conflict of interest, and that coupled with Ian’s endorsed role as a dictator will affect the credibility of the outcome produced. In particular, it will give Microsoft all of the excuse it needs to avoid implementing the standards. (Not that eliminating that excuse will magically cause Microsoft to participate…)

February 2009

La plus ancienne page web connue - CeD

by Monique
inchangée depuis le 13 novembre 1990

Geolocation API Specification

by greut & 1 other

The Geolocation API defines a high-level interface to location information associated with the hosting device, such as latitude and longitude.

future or web mashups are geo localized

January 2009

December 2008

Unequal citizens

by Monique & 1 other
Most websites in India are still not disabled-friendly even though the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has come out with guidelines on the subject.

A javascript implementation of Element traversal

by Xavier Lacot
Element traversal for everyone, implemented in javascript (see Sounds however to me like jQuery has a nicer API of rtraversing the DOM.

W3C Validators in Jeopardy

by philippej (via)

La collecte s'impose...

"That we’ve had the use of validation tools via the W3C for so long and without cost has been a significant component in the teaching and evangelism surrounding Web standards and best practices. To lose these tools would impact that message, not to mention take a certain amount of quality assurance away from the process." - Web : SMIL 3.0 pour faciliter les présentations multimédias interactives

by Monique
Le World Wide Web Consortium annonce un nouveau standard du multimédia synchronisé sur le Web qui combine vidéo, audio, images, texte et liens hypertexte dans des présentations interactives. Une spécification qui intègre des fonctionnalités venant de l'industrie et des utilisateurs.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag w3c

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