June 2006
EasyVMX!: Virtual Machine Creator
by ycc2106 & 9 othersEasyVMX! is the simple and failsafe way to create complete virtual machines for VMware Player on the web. Install any Windows, Linux, BSD or Solaris, and test live-CDs in a safe environment.
May 2006
Headdress for OS X
by ycc2106 & 4 othersHeaddress turns your Mac into a nice little server, capable of virtually hosting several websites in your local network. With Headdress you won't need to nest your sites or dig through configuration files, and turning PHP on is a breeze with one click activation.
April 2006
What is Virtualization?
by alessandroperilliThis presentation has been created for a technical and non-technical audience with no or small knowledge of virtualization technologies. In 10 minutes you'll have an overview of problems modern virtualization technologies can solve and what alternatives the market is offering today.
The Virtual World Project
by ycc2106virtual tour of ancient sites along the Eastern Mediterranean. Virtual Reality movies will bring the ancient world to you. Interactive maps will guide you through the sites. Accompanying texts will describe the sites with the aid of supplementary images and drawings.
Second Life: Your World. Your Imagination.
by ycc2106 & 32 othersSecond Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by nearly 100,000 people from around the globe.
Yub.com - Meet. Hang. Shop.
by ycc2106Like a real mall, you can shop, hang out with friends, meet others, and people watch. Unlike a real mall, we personalize your shopping and pay you for it.
March 2006
Microsoft to release Virtual Server 2005 R2 for free
by alessandroperilliMicrosoft is expected to release Virtual Server 2005 for free on next Monday. The virtualization war against VMware is getting hotter!