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PUBLIC MARKS with tags video & tracking


Skybox Imaging - Skybox Imaging + Google

by sbrothier
We’re thrilled to announce that Skybox Imaging has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google! Five years ago, we began the Skybox journey to revolutionize access to information about the changes happening across the surface of the Earth. We’ve made great strides in the pursuit of that vision. We’ve built and launched the world’s smallest high­-resolution imaging satellite, which collects beautiful and useful images and video every day. We have built an incredible team and empowered them to push the state­-of­-the-­art in imaging to new heights. The time is right to join a company who can challenge us to think even bigger and bolder, and who can support us in accelerating our ambitious vision.

Meet 2011 TR35 Winner Dan Berkenstock | MIT Video

by sbrothier
Berkenstock describes his work at EmTech 2011: Cheaper satellite pictures. Skybox Imaging Dan Berkenstock, cofounder and chief product officer of Skybox Imaging, wants to let "anyone know what's happening anywhere in the world at any time." Next year the company plans to launch the first of what it hopes will be a constellation of 12 to 24 satellites taking high-­resolution pictures of Earth. Each satellite should cost about a tenth as much as the $250 million to $500 million imaging satellites operated by companies like DigitalGlobe and GeoEye.

WiTrack: 3D Motion Tracking Through Walls Using Wireless Signals | MIT Video

by sbrothier
Tom Buehler The NETMIT group at MIT develops a new technology that can see through walls, performing 3D motion tracking. The technology has applications in gaming, elderly monitoring, and gesture-based user interfaces.

The Web We Want: An Open Letter - YouTube

by sbrothier
The Web is our largest shared resource. Let's keep it free and open for us, and for the next generation.


Object Detection with HTML5 getUserMedia | TechSlides

by sbrothier & 1 other
Recently, I have seen a couple different JavaScript face detection demos based on the HTML5 getUserMedia API. I even made my own face detection demo based on the HTML5 video tag. Beyond human faces, we also have face detection for cats in JavaScript, nudity detection, and much more with js-objectdetect, a JavaScript library for real-time object detection.

Building a live green screen with getUserMedia() and MediaStreams - Tim Taubert

by sbrothier
While recently watching a talk about the new WebRTC features I was reminded of Paul Rouget’s great green screen demo and thought that this would be a cool thing to have for live video as well. Let us build a live green screen!

auduno/headtrackr · GitHub

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
headtrackr is a javascript library for real-time face tracking and head tracking, tracking the position of a users head in relation to the computer screen, via a web camera and the webRTC/getUserMedia standard. For a demonstration see this video or try out some of the examples with a laptop that has a camera and a browser that has camera webRTC/getUserMedia support (for instance Opera 12). For an overview of browsers supporting the getUserMedia standard see

Eli Pariser nous met en garde contre "les bulles de filtres" en ligne. | Video on

by sbrothier
Alors que les compagnies internet s'efforcent d'ajuster leurs services à nos goûts personnels (y compris l'actualité et les résultats de recherche), une dangereuse conséquence, involontaire, émerge : nous nous retrouvons piégés dans une "bulle de filtres" et ne nous trouvons pas exposés à l'information qui pourrait remettre en question ou élargir notre perception du monde. Eli Pariser argumente avec force qu'au final cela s'avérera mauvais pour nous et pour la démocratie.




Video Technology Magazine

by kruty (via)
marker reflector 3M pour le tracking video.. houhohuohuhouuuu

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