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PUBLIC MARKS with tags video & music

March 2009

Video search engine

by fxbis
Owaks is a video search engine. Another one would you say? What makes it special? We could say that having more than 170 millions videos across hundreds of websites makes it attractive. That our search algorithm makes your search more efficient and relevant than others. That providing you with a powerful refining tool enables you to find your videos quicker. But let's only say that we did our best to provide you with the most exclusive functionalities in a simple and clear user interface and this is definitely what makes it so special.

Thru You : Kutiman remixe Youtube

by sbrothier
Il y a des milliers, des millions peut-être de vidéos de musiciens amateurs sur Youtube. Ce n'était qu'une question de temps avant que quelqu'un réalise que c'était là plus grande bibliothèque de samples du monde. Kutiman, un multi-instrumentiste de Tel Aviv auteur d'un album funky passé relativement inaperçu en 2008, aura été le premier. Le premier en tout cas à produire l'équivalent d'un album en coupant, collant, démontant et remontant des dizaines et des dizaines de vidéos d'amateurs de Youtube.

February 2009


by kuruzman
13 vidéos pour 13 chansons. pop amère, nantes.

Dailymotion - Back in France, une vidéo de bkbackinfrance. burger, king, back, in, indaprod

by Krome & 1 other

Court métrage / comédie musicale militant pour le retour de Burger King en France.

Short listé au Festival de Méribel 2008.

U2 France | Getty On Your Boots

by Krome & 1 other
'Dédicace à ceux là qui savent.'

Dailymotion - Back in France, une vidéo de bkbackinfrance. burger, king, back, in, indaprod

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)

Court métrage / comédie musicale militant pour le retour de Burger King en France.

Short listé au Festival de Méribel 2008.

January 2009

TuneFind | Find Music from TV and Movies

by garret & 1 other
"We're on our way to becoming the Internet's most comprehensive list of television and movie music and songs. With your help, we can build this index for everyone."


by garret & 3 others
Jogli is a music search engine claiming a catalog of 12+ million albums and 500+ million songs. It's an amazing service, built primarly on top of YouTube content. Search for a band and they'll show you a link for that band's details as well as albums, video clips, and user-created playlists. Jogli recreates albums from YouTube clips and other free services. If you don't like the version of the song they've selected, click the “Get alternatives for this song” link to see what else they have. [jamtopia] With the Jogli Widget, now you can embed albums and playlists in your web pages.

December 2008

November 2008

October 2008

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag video

acoustique +   bicycle +   blog +   disabilities +   documentary +   guitare +   learning +   paul +   perimeter +   ride +   sanchez +   solo +   tour +   usa +   vitesse +