public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags usability & internet

18 June 2006

16 June 2006

13 June 2006

Blog Opquast

by temesis (via)
L'actualité des bonnes pratiques qualité Opquast et de l'outil de suivi collaboratif Mon-Opquast

11 June 2006

09 June 2006

user experience design

by jlesage & 2 others
Peter Morville, whose book Ambient Findability, is a classic about user experience of the Internet here says users want a site that is useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, credible. Common sense, but rarely said so clearly!

07 June 2006

03 June 2006

The Scrutinizer

by phileplanet & 6 others
The Scrutinizer is a service that allows you to analyze, assess and validate any link using various tools and testers on the web.

02 June 2006

01 June 2006

24 May 2006

Peter Morville: the Tagsonomy interview

by jlesage & 2 others
major thinker about users, usability, tagging, searches and contexts

19 May 2006

18 May 2006

16 May 2006